Formalities in Korea?

Umm so I have this fanfic and I'm not sure how some idols should address each other. I know the age and formality system but I'm not sure what happens when they are born around the same time. Can you please help?

Here is the list of people and their birthdays (from oldest to youngest):
TOP = 1987 (November 4)
Jung Jessica = 1989 (April 18)
Jang Hyunseung = 1989 (September 3)

Yang Yoseob = 1990 (January 5)
Lee Hongki = 1990 (March 2)

Mir = 1991 (March 10)
Key = 1991 (September 23)

Lee Taemin = 1993 (July 18)
Yan (OC) = 1995 (February 25)
Katie (OC) = 1995 (July 7)


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Born in same year, but as long as one day older or one second older (twins) they will address each other as hyung/noona/sambae or dongsaeng.
"sii" is used when two not very close person meets (like when they first meet or something). This term is very formal.
If they are born at the same year, sometimes they just use hyung, sunbae, dongsaeng or sometimes "-sii". ^^ :D