Please check this out, you won't regret it.

1: i couldn't stop laughing this is like the most hilarious gif i saw in 2014 :

2: i don't know what to say, but this is creepy: 


From a swedish children's book: (OMG) childhood ruined xD

I would die if i saw someone wearing this on the street xD

Just Kakashi ordering some Big Mac

I WANT THIS PLANT. (for personal reasons)

this one is so freaking cute (gaahhhh!! i love cats, they are pure evils xD )

I love climbing trees, but this one is a big NO NO:

Professional level over 9000

if you have a pure kind heart,  you'll feel sad for this lamp.... i did T___T


that's it guys, i just wanted to spread some Joy and happiness, and NO i'm not Santa. 












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LOL these are cool and btw I love your name :D