It really pains me to know that some people just subscribed to my story and after reading, if unsatisfied, is going to unsubscribed again. Yeah, I know I may be incomppetent with some authors but please for respect only, if you don't like the story in the first place don't read it. It is really rude and it really hurts my feelings to know that there are some people like that.


Anyways, thank you cumbaek_ for subscribing to my newest work. I really appreciate what you've done and it really made me realize there are always some people like you who'll support someone until the end.


I know I may sound rude but please understand. I am someone with feelings too and also feels pain. For those who actually read this, thank you. 


For those who want to ask some questions, drop your comments below. I'll answer them one-by-one if possible. 


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i know how it feels. it hurts a lot
Sometimes, people have to read the stories to know if they'll like them or not.
I just realized there's a lot of mistakes in my last message >< sorry i was on my phone. I just wanted to add that i'm (pretty much) always here to talk if you need. I log in at least once a day.

Hope you keep your spirits up.
I know. It when people unsubscribe. It's always nice to have people support your work but maybe also try to write your stories because you want to? And not just for other people. Not trying to get you down or anything, it's just always best to do things for yourself ( things you want do do, I mean). Does that make shy sense? Maybe it just doors to me... ∆_∆