
I love writing. . It makes me thinking of the world on ,how it goes around and around, How human goes on and on, How life keep cycle again and again ,How I living the breath of air out and in, I wish to inspired ppl ..But I known my position I was nothing but a merely graduate high schooler ,My intellect won't be enough to compete other ppl who achieve higher level than me,Hmmmm... I was Jelous indeed when other ppl got accepted into the uni or college but I know my place.. I was not accepted n for that I can't complain ,God knows the best... Every thing has it's own reason n everything will come on its own benefit ,I not sure if ppl understand this So just ignore it kay ..I just typing what it seem to be my conscience speaking, God my brain already gotten rusty ..Hmm should hv read the dictionary more often now, Oh how rusty my brain have become....


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