Missing the Point

My twitter timeline is on fire the past two days after tae-baek dating thing came to light. Of course as a fan of tae i feel disappointed, sad even and disheartened to the point of wanting to stop writing fanfic about the girls. But i know that this feeling is probably temporary because i love writing as a whole, not just because i write with snsd in it.

The interesting thing though that this news - like the news of tiffany and yoona dating before it - is triggering so many reactions among fans. There are a few types of fans in my timeline, such as:

1. the eternal supporters: the one that keeps on saying 'i will always support you as long as your happy so you people should do the same. if you leave, you're not a true fan' kind of fans.

2. the heartbroken: the depressed ones that go 'i am so saaaaad. the world is ending. i want to leave the planeeet'' kind of fans

3. the strong ones and those who tried to be strong: this crowd is those who go 'it's fine. she's happy. who are we to tell her what to do. we are just fans, not more.'

4. the abandon all hope fans: this people are those who left the fandom without any word. just 'poof', their accounts are no longer using snsd's related names, or pics, etc. etc.

And there are few other types that i won't mention to make this short.

What i'm trying to say is that a lot of them are fighting among each other which i think is absolutely unnecessary. the eternal supporters protested the heartbroken fans, saying that they are shallow, having not enough love for taeyeon for saying such depressing things, not realizing that they are missing the big point in the matter.

Those who got depressed saying sad things do all that because they love Taeyeon.

Those who left also do that because the love Taeyeon.

Each person is only showing how big their love towards Taeyeon in their own way. So we can't say that one opinion or one course of action makes someone better than the other. It's because we love Taeyeon so much we feel various kinds of emotion. 

Imagine losing your girlfriend/boyfriend and how you would react to that, to cope with that. That is what exactly everyone is doing right now. We can't tell them how to behave, how to think, because everyone has their own way to overcome the broken heart.

In the end, we all love Taeyeon and all this came from that one point. We should just concentrate on what we feel instead of thinking of someone else's. Because we have no idea what's inside someone's head and heart to judge - or worse, accused - them of something. 

Love is different for each person so i think we should not tell how people what to do or how to feel. Just mind our own business and our heart. Because i think mine needs a lot of mending. Haha.


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