Immature fans Grow Up!

Talk about immature fans who feel betrayed, i dont get it why those fans blame Taeyeon n Baekhyun in this situation? Really? SNS is only for fans? Waw funny.. I believe they created their SNS to communicate with fans as well as having fun also. Sending secret codes to each other, can we just thing about it as the way they wanted to express their love to each other And to us/fans too? Do u really think that BaekYeon wanted to fool their fans? Like they meant it? U should know them better!! Are u really true fans? U know taeyeon for 7 years n baekhyun 2 years, just b'coz they dating, u turn back n sending negatif on their instagram. Fans like u are egois n selfish. Ok, they singing n u spend money for their album, performance, etc.Thats enough! Why u want their personal life too?? So, Fans service not enough? N now u want destroy their love live too for attention? What fans u are... How pity.


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