SIA Disciplinary Committee- [The President | Kim Myunghee]


Disciplinary Committee || [Kim Myunghee]
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The Basics

Plotline: The President
Full Name: Kim Myunghee
      Other names: -
Miss Midget/Chibi (cuz she's small)
Dumbo (called by Taehyung, cuz she eats a lot when she's annoyed or bored or sad, and the fact that at times she appears dumb)
Kamen Rider Chibi (just.... because)
Prez (by the members)

Gender: Female 
Birthdate: 2nd April 
School Year: Fourth
Nationality: Korean
Ethnicity: Korean
Birthplace: Tokyo,Japan
Hometown: Seoul,S.Korea

Blood type: O
uality: Straight as a raw spaghetti


Face: Park Hyojin
Links:  links
Backup Face:  Lee EunJin
Links: links
Height: 150 cm
Weight:  46 kg
Description: She is small, despite her big energy. She have dimples and eyesmiles. 


Keywords: Talkative and bubbly / friendly / hot tempered / self-righteous / annoying / sarcastic and straightforward / lazyass / justice

MyungHee is your typical type of girl. She is very TALKATIVE AND BUBBLY. She loves to share stories, even the kind of stories that people don’t really need to know or wasting people’s time to hear.She listens to your stories or problems too, but instead of listening carefully, she tends to give out reactions like, “WOW” or “OMO” or starts to ask a hell lot of questions that sometimes it doesn’t even make any sense. People founds it ANNOYING since she asked a hell lot , but some found it amusing to talk to her since she didn’t give them the Im-not-interested kinda face and reacts to their stories, and at some points, a sad person can burst out laughter since MyungHee is able to make them smile. 

Quotes are her things, she reads it, practices it and gives it out that sometimes she would be able to create a quote on her own nonchalantly, mostly when she gives out advises. Some of them became what the disciplinary Committee members hold on to, like, “Nothing is impossible, the words itself says I’M POSSIBLE,” or “It may be stormy now, but it can’t rain forever, and at the end of every rain , rainbows will be there waiting for us,”. Even though the words are beautiful, it can sometimes kills you too when the words are meant for you especially when it have bad traits involves, cuz only who eats the chillies feels the hotness.

She is FRIENDLY. She makes friends easily just like ABC and 123, no matter to boys or girls, elders or children, nice or bad, or to what races, religions or the colour of their skin because to her if crayons can live in a box with different colours, why can’t people too? If super sentais are consist of various colours, why can't people too? Some people who don’t know her might found her trying to flirt or attention seeking, but when you try to understand her, she is actually very fun to be with.She loves skinships, so it’s not weird if you found her hugging people (mostly girls) nonchalantly. But using it as an advantage for herself being a LAZY-, she likes to make people do things for her. It’s not always that she don’t know how to do it, it’s just that she don’t want to and she only do things she wants to do, like those rich children , where even the maids brushes their teeth for them.

Being a SELF-RIGHTEOUS, she is not really fond with orders cuz she thinks that most of the time she is the right one so who are you to order me around? She gets super annoyed when people orders her to do this and this when she’s not in the mood of doing it, so she starts to act like a 7 years old spoilt brat who don’t listens and puts on her poker face, but of course when it’s something that she wants or she needs to do, when she is determined to do it, she will do it WHOLEHEARTEDLY .When in a mission, she tends to react on her own cuz she thinks what she did is right,so the results can be 50-50, it can be good or bad.Other than that, she is also someone who don’t want to regret one day on “what if?”, so she really likes to take challenges and risks. She accepts a challenge without thinking and is not scared of the aftermath. If she fails then what? It’s not like she can’t try anything else, but still deep down she’s also AFRAID, and try her best on being a perfectionist when doing works. She can’t see any other people better than her, and when someone did somethiing wrong, prepare yourself to the breath of the dragon. Even if she's HOT-TEMPERED and can get mad really easily especially when it involves breaking the school's rules, after letting everything out the dragon can turn back into the cute little bunny, which, some of the members found it scary.

SARCASTIC or STRAIGHT-FORWARD? I don’t even know. Like when she was asked “what are you doing?”, she would say “sleeping” or any other things when it’s obviously she’s not doing it. And other situation when someone slept on her  for two hours, she just simply says “wow I turned to a statue just now,” . Her answers can sometimes hurt people, even if it’s joking, in some ways she can’t see if that person is hurting, well like when you said something but actually that person is hurting inside, its not like you know.

Growing up with Kamen Riders and Super Sentais, her sense of justice is just so unbelievable. Everyone! Must follow the rules, and breaking it, bending it, or cheating it wont be take to consideration cuz no! Every rules are meant to make the world a better place.



-CHOCOLATE !!!! Dont u know that chocolate is the symbol of love? No? ok ;;

-An obsession for fluffy and squishy things she feels like choking them alive, and the things that she finds cute are something weird :\
-Cracking her voice in the toilet
-Her favourite spot is the school's rooftop. That's where she let all of her out
-Kamen Rider and Super Sentai. Especially Kamen Rider Den-O cuz the Imagins are just so Parking ADORABLES /fangirls/ and Super Sentai Gokaiger ARE LIKE SO COOL! Well, even if they are pirates /shrugs/ and Super Sentai Shinkenger OMO! THOSE SAMURAIS SAIKOOOO <3

-People who judged. Excuse you ? u_u
-People ordering her around
- not FOND of slimy things like toads
-Romeo and Juliet. Sorry to say but to her they are just a couple of kids going through puberty who's willing to kill each other for each other
-People breaking up the laws. Just. dont do that please
-Excessive makeups, prefers natural beauty
-Ultraman. What on Earth is that giant doing destroying the buildings?! Seriously?

-Hitting things and clapping hands when she's super happy or when she laughs
-Talks real fast when she's nervous, but because she talks a lot people dont really notice, and they thought that she's rapping
-fanning herself when she's embarrased
-Forgetting where she puts things
-Observing everyone like the unpaid CCTV to find anyone breaking the rules
-Eats everytime she's in her emotions. Happy, sad, mad, bored, annoyed etc.

-Known as the smallest member but with a loud voice that can scream till the person 100 miles apart can hear it /exaggerated
-Talks real fast when she's nervous, but because she talks non-stop people dont really notice it, and they think that she's rapping
- Loves hand accesories
-A chocoholic, she brings a bag of chocolate everywhere
-Is the granddaughter of the well known Jaeseon Company in Japan
-Thinks her charms are in her bright smile and dimples
-Favourite colour is black and blue
-Sleeps with teddy bear everytime
-Collects everytype of kamen rider and super sentai figures


MyungHee is the daughter of Kim Tae Hee and Park So Yeol who lived in Japan with her grandparents. MyungHee, who was born on 2nd April, is the first child , and is followed by his little brother, Kim MinSoo.Both of them are sent to Japan because the parents are too busy handling things and promised to take them back when their work will get more stable. Her father is currently busy organising his company while the mom is taking care of the Seoul International Academy in Korea as she is the current headmistress there.She also has an older brother who is 6 years older than her, but the pearents decided to take him with them instead.Her little brother is where she pours love to, she tells him everything and vice versa. Her brother is the opposite of her , when she's a midget , her brother is the overgrown size- no , a tall guy.They are real close with each other, and when people saw them they actually thought of them as a sweet couple (pardon me pls)

Her brother and her favourites are the Kamen Rider and Super Sentai series. They grow up with them, and collected every type of action figures, posters t-shirts and stuff. It made their sense of justice kinda high, that she was known as the small girl with a big fist when she punched a group of boys at the age of 5 cuz they were making fun of her friend. Taking a stick nearby, she pretends that its a katana and started spurting out those words the super sentais said when they are in their action mode and chased the boys all over. The boys bullied her by saying she's not a girl cuz she collects Kamen Rider figures instead of barbiedolls. When playing barbiedolls with friends, she make them believe that those kamen riders and super sentais are the barbie's boyfriends who save the world from the evils. 

At the age of 7 she went to Korea with her little brother when her parents finally decided to have them back.MinSoo, her older brother is not that happy to see them, since he has been the 'only' child for eleven years, so having two new kids in the house aren't going to make things easier for him.Still, after a few weeks together, her frindly side that can cope up with any new environment managed to mske them closer to each other, thus making his older brothe feeling more responsible towards the younger.She made friends with (your character) and the 'perfect boy' Kim Taehyung. While her little  brother enrolled in a sport school and her older brother studied in a private school, she registered at the Seoul International Academy since her mother is the headmistress there. She heard the rumours of the school being popular for their good ranks, btu what people dont really know is that the students there also made a lot of rules-breaking. She started to imagine that she is Kamen Rider Fourze, that will save the school and made it into a better place. Knowing the school, she fell in love with it and made a promise to herself that one day, she will own this school and make it the most perfect school ever. 

Kim Taehyung, altho being their good friends, has always annoyed them too. The fact that he's like an angel who wont even kill an ant even if he steps on it infront of their parents and others are just so hypocrite to them. He is the one that like to bully the girls, but acts like an oppa when with others, pretending that he's the sweet little boy. Her parents and your parents adore him to the fullest and are always complimenting him whenever they saw him helping his parents and taking care of them and stuff. The teachers also like him, always giving him the important roles and trust him a lot. It made Myunghee more annoyed when he got the title of the Student Council's President, a postion that she always dreamed of. I mean like, he doesnt even deserve to get that title, and both the girls know it, they grow up with him, and every of his secrets are in their hands. Not too mention that she is the daughter of the headmistress, why dont her mother give the title to her instead? I mean like, she will inherit the school one day right?

Grandpa - Kim Jaeseon - 71 - Retired owner of the Jaeseon Company - Alive - Playful, strict, supportive - 6/10 
Grandma - Seo Yujin - 70  - Housewife - Alive - Loving, kindhearted, softhearted - 7/10 
Papa - Kim TaeHee - 52 - Current owner of the Jaeseon Company - Alive - Strict, hardworker - 7/10 
Mama - Park Soyeol - 50 - Current headmistress of S.I.A - Alive - Kind-hearted, hardworker and loving - 8/10 
Older brother - Kim Min Soo - 24 - Stdying abroad in business studies to take over his dad's company - Serious, responsible , supportive - 8/10
Little brother - Kim Minyoung - 18 - Students in a Sport School - Alive - Playful, annoying like any other brother, Sporting - 9/10 




Housing: She lives with her parents and his little brother
Uniform Adjustments: [The tidiest! Its always in its place and she gets annoyed by a slight wrinkles]

-Fujiwara Michiyo - 4th year  - The craziest friend you can ever have - 8/10 - She is her first friend in Japan/ since birth? - The craziest twin you can ever find
-Lee Min Soo - 4th - School's athlete - Sporting, annoying, kindhearted - 8/10 
-your character 
-should i include Kim Taehyung?

Academic Standing:  Top 5, but because of Taehyung she never get the first
Best Subject: Math & Science
Worst Subject: 

Love Interest

Love Interest:  Kim Taehyung V (BTS)| 4th year. the Student Council President
Personality Keywords: Teaser (he just love to tease Myunghee for everything since his ranks are always better, and the fact the her parents adores him much) / an angel infornt of others but the devil when with the girls / Loves girls, just -.- / crazy only with the girls (you and me), but becomes so serious when he is into something
Backup Love Interest: 
Kim Myungsoo
Personality Keywords: same as above


Bye Bye

Comments: AYOO OuO Heyy I love yuor theme its like SAIKOOO (y) and btw, I know i made a lot of mistakes but I wont mind changing it for you authornim ^^ and thanx for your time viewing this apps, hope you'll like her. FIGHTING! 
Suggestions: Fights between school, the disciplinary commitee's member are sabotaged or something? 
Scene Requests: Members of Disciplinary Commitee climbs the roof to comfort MyungHee - My chara and ur chara are talking bad about Taehung and something happen? XD - Member's fist impression when they see their prez XD
Ankh from Kamen Rider OOO being slapped by Eiji.

Eiji gone mad  
This bird guy just fall




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