[ Mrs. Agent ] — Song Jiaxing

Mrs. Agent
Song Jiaxing
About you

Name : Song Jiaxing

Nickname(s): Jia - Everyone uses this to refer to her as it's shorter and more convenient. 

Age : 27

Birthdate : May 8, 1987

Birthplace : Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Hometown : Vancouver, Canada

Ethnicity : Korean/Chinese

Languages : 
-English - Fluent (Raised in Canada for most of her life) 
-Korean - Fluent (Enrolled in classes and had to speak at home)
-French - Semi-fluent (Doesn't speak in perfect accent and lacks in extensive vocabulary, was put in a French speaking program for 10 years in Canada)
-Mandarin - Conversational (Taught by her father who really wanted her to be fluent in this language) 
-Sarcasm - Fluent (It's a god-given talent, honestly.)
-Bull - Fluent (This girl's been lying her off since she popped out of her mom's womb)


Personality Traits : Loyal, Self-possessed, Charismatic, Strategic, Adaptative, Condescending, Self-Indulgent, Impatient, Cantankerous, Possessive, Blunt, Impulsive

Personality :

Jia is a very simple person on the outside, but very complex in the inside. Her mind never sleeps and she's constantly calculating every single person's move around her. Her kind, selfless traits such as being loyal is never shown externally, due to the fact Jia thinks she doesn't need to show it off. She takes pride in her self-possessiveness, finding that trait to be of utmost importance if you're going to be in the spy game, and she's hella good at it too. In public, Jia can be a very outgoing person, making her very noticeable. Not noticeable in a way that someone is loud and their innecessant noice grasps your attention, Jia's natural charisma has her aura vibrantly radiant that you'd notice her in a heartbeat. Although with her self-possessiveness, Jia knows when turn the charisma off and blend in with crowd well. Another spy skill she'd acquired and tamed. As you can tell, she's very adaptable to any situation, a trait she got from her independant nature. This trait allows Jia to be well rounded.

With Jia's fawnable achievements and skill, it's no wonder this spy is never-endingly condescending. Although her cockiness can be subsided, for some reason Jia does not hesitate to tell a person off on their skills or look down upon them in a snap. Her straight fowardness and impulsive attitude doesn't help either. Jia believes; if she can do it, anyone can. Her cantankerous and impatient self has people who aren't close to her shying away. Nevertheless, no matter how cantankerous or annoying Jia can be with her condescentive attitude, she gets work done quickly, efficiently and sufficently that the nuisance that is Jia can be put aside. How does Jia even attract friends after seeing this side of her? She doesn't know either. She's very loyal to her friends, family and anyone close to the point that she cares for them too much not to let them go; hence the insane amount of possessiveness this girl has packing. She can't help but feel jealous over seeing a close friend becoming closer with someone else, and luckily Jia keeps this possessive side hidden, but the looming feeling of it crawls up her spine more often than she'd like to admit.


Background :

Before becoming a secret agent, Jia lived in a modest townhouse back in Vancouver. She was alone 80% of the time, due to her mother and father simultaneously working and her having no siblings. She'd like to say her life was average for a person her age but in ways unnoticeable, it wasn't. She attended a public school and excelled her studies and was on most of the athletic teams too (She was barely good at it, she only got on the team because 99% of the people in her school was too, athletically untalented.) She had strange interests though. Her constant watching of criminal, spy-action films and tv shows brought a criminal-like mindset to Jia. She took multiple computer programming and tech. ed classes in school and online. Starting highschool off, Jia (at the age of 14) got a little business in which she would forge excuse notes for students, and hack into the school's computer system so that no parents would be called by an automatic voice mail saying their child was late or skipped class. Now thinking about it in the present, Jia forgot if she really did excel in her classes or if she just put A's for all her report cards. 

Prior to moving to Vancouver, she was born in Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea with a Chinese Dad and Korean Mom, who was only visiting her mom's parents in Korea at the time of birth. Her dad named her, hence the more chinese inclined name and the family went back to Canada a couple months after she was born. 

Now :

Jia graduated Gachon University with a Ph.D in Psychology and a Masters degree in Communications at the ripe age of 22. Such a wondrous feat for a young lady, but let's not forget she could hack into anything. At least she completed the course once for some credibility. 

Now, she is a management consultant and commercial psychologist for a credible, well-known firm, SM Enterprise. 

How and why she got chosen as a secret agent :

Jia's family was moving back to Korea due to her grandfather being terminally ill and their grandma needing support back home. Jia was completely resistant in moving back, due to making her territory and reputation in Vancouver. Nonetheless, Jia had moved back to her Mom's hometown and had been enrolled in a local public highschool. She'd befriended a couple troublemakers, and in the bustling city they lived in, it wasn't hard to commit little petty crimes and get away with it.. at least for Jia. Although when one of your friends is utterly stupid and lacks common sense, it's hard to get away from the police. Her friend Woono (Oc) had been able to smuggle some weed through airport security when coming back from the states, and had the audacity to light it up in an alley unexpectedly. The police had come by and quickly arrested the kids (with a bit of effort). And hell will freeze over before Jia will let anyone call her family from the precinct. Quickly devising a plan, her friends were able to successfully drive the police's attention away from Jia while she went on the computer to change the phone numbers on their records to the same person, who was an older, cooler guardian of theirs that bailed them out. 

Unbeknowest to everyone else, Jia saved everything at the precinct's computer to her USB, and had access to police files on her own personal laptop. To this day, Jia still doesn't know down to the exact detail of Lee Byunghun's father's side. But he just came to her door one day, with knowledge of her accessing authority's files that should not be within her reach. Expecting to be arrested or something, he just invited her to F.H.A. 

And the rest is history. 



-Spicy food
-Milk tea
-Horror movies/any horror franchise
-Pastel green/mint green

Dislikes :

-Cold weather
-No wifi
-No technology
-Overly romantic movies
-Sweet food
-Nosy people
-being interrupted 

Hobbies :

-Volleyball (the only sport she didn't completely in)
-Slam poetry
-Collecting polaroid pictures
-Collecting vintage muscle cars ('67 chevy impala, '64 pontiac gto, '72 buick riviera is in her hands currently and she's still aiming for more) 

Habits :

-scratching the back of her neck when she's very nervous or agitated
-cuddling the heck out of anything/anyone that's beside her when she's sleeping
-plays with her hands when she feels insecure
-swearing innecessantly 

Trivia :

-built the computer system she uses in the F.H.S headquarters, also made her own laptop 
-is a premature baby, born 2 months earlier than she was due
-has arachnophobia
-likes vintage-esque things such as clothes, cars, cameras
-drives as if she's in tokyo drift 
-prefers the nightlife 
-keen on alcohol, only drinks the high end stuff unless she's desperate to get drunk
-hates smoking/cigarettes
-used to take recreational drugs (stopped when donghae told her to)
-Loves poems, specifically spoken word


Spy Speciality : Intel and Recon. The ability to get information on an enemy is highly crucial in this business, and Jia is very good at acquiring this information behind the computer screen. She's the tech head in this whole operation. 

Weakness : Combat. And running. There's a reason why she sits in front of multiple computer screens everyday. The low stamina doesn't help, but it's bearable. 

Strength : Precise aiming. She doesn't usually have to deal with weapons, but this comes in handy from time to time.




Family members:

Father | Song Kexin | 52 | Construction Worker | Jokes around alot with each other, a very playful, caring relationship with each other

Mother | Song Yerin | 50 | Bank Teller | A sister as well as a mother, Jia can tell her mom anything comfortably and will be able to understand

Rival :

Rachel Yoo | 23 | Still a student, daughter of the CEO of her firm's rival company | The two interact sickenly sweet with each other in front of others, although once the two are alone, Jia has to use every ounce of her willpower not to punch this girl in her face while the two exchange angry, hateful banter, trying to make themselves better than the other | There is nothing more than Jia hates than people that cockier than her. She also admits than she doesn't get along well with people younger than her. Though both and all traits Jia hates, she finds in Rachel Yoo. Although Jia wouldn't be fighting with Rachel if Rachel hadn't started fighting her first. Rachel only insinuates banter with Jia because she wants to live up to her father's expectations. Jia is in her father's opposing firm and exceeds her father's expectations. All Rachel wants to do is to either off Jia or become better than her. All Jia wants is to off Rachel or just get the girl out of her live somehow. 

love interest

Name: Lee Donghae

Age: 28

Occupation : Prosecutor

Personality Traits : Gentle, Selfless, Outgoing, Observant, Superficial

Personality :

Donghae is generally a lovely person to be around. His outgoing attitude is a perfect tie to his naturally funny self. He makes everyone around him comfortable and he does his best to, hence his selfless trait. He has a nature of being gentle towards the people around him, although he knows the line between personal and professional, and he is anything but gentle in his line of work. He's a very intelligent person, being able to work in an elite law firm is a gift in itself although he does give credit to his observant mind in being able to climb up the reputational ladder quickly. 

Although, Donghae is human and has shortcomings on his side as well. He's surprisingly superficial. His sweet smile and gentle nature would have you think other wise, but in his mind he's very judgemental of the people around him, which makes people who know of this trait very uncomfortable and insecure around Donghae. Like Jia, Donghae is also a very possessive person and is not afraid to show it. He's a naturally superior person and can be a bit misogynistic, something Jia hates the most about him. He feels the need to show dominance over everyone, especially women. Although he's tamed that about him, slip-ups occur here and there. 

How they met ? :

On one of Jia's recon missions. She slipped into a very exclusive court hearing because one of the targets was the accused. Donghae had the jury list imprinted in his mind and didn't recall ever seeing Jia on it. After the hearing, he had confronted her and Jia had slyly changed the subject away to having a dinner with each other.

Interaction :

Donghae and Jia go hand-in-hand, most people think. It's true though. Jia's feisty and impulsive attitude is easily calmed by Donghae whilst Donghae's misogynistic attitude was easily diminished by Jia. What one lacks in, the other reciprocates and provides strength in the other's weakness. The two are often piled with stress from work and just being able to be with each other helps settle it. 

Plot story :

After meeting Donghae (when she was 23) they immediately clicked. Now, it seems Donghae and Jia are at the highest point of their relationship that doesn't seem to be going down anytime soon. Luckily, Jia's daytime job coincides with F.H.A as management consulting requires her to travel alot. Her disappearing often is not a surprise for Donghae as it's not a concern as well, because Donghae can be very caught up in his work as well. Their time together is spent of constant, neverending skinship. Their love is not shown well verbally but physically. Later throughout the story though, anonymous tips go into Donghae's firm planting evidence of F.H.S members, asking if these members could be justified and go to jail. Obviously these tips are coming from someone against F.H.S and since Donghae is the only one in the firm receiving these, he goes to Jia for answers which leads to a heaty argument, long talks and a heavy resolution. (this part does not have to be put into the story if it doesn't coincide with your plans for the story) 

alternate: there comes a time where jia and donghae barely see each other because jia has an important mission. rachel takes this chance to seduce donghae and when jia finds out, a heavy confrontation occurs. 

Back-up love interest : Kim Jaejoong

pretty face

Face claim : Angel Locsin

Links : tumblr | google images

Back-up face claim : Yurim

Links : gallery

Height : 167cm

Weight : 49kg

Style : Business casual for daily day-to-day activities outside of her home. A simple top, such as a blouse with a paired blazer along with either a skirt or pants is enough justice for her. Shoes? She could care less. Formal and dates are basically the same, she prefers wearing tea dresses. At home it's all out comfy with the sweatpants and tshirt. For missions, black pants along with black boots (whether it's ankle boots, knee high boots, high heeled; you name it, she wears it) are a must. Anything black on top and she's good to go. 

Links : 

Home - 1 (more than 4 pics)

Casual - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Formal & Date - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Mission - 1 | 2


Username : jianxing

Nickname : rin

Activeness : 8

Comments : i really highly apologize for my slacking off at the style/fashion section. i'm really unused to doing those and it's just something i find not completely necessary in a story. these are my favourite types of stories and from what i see, this story is going to be so good. 

Scene Request : n/a at the moment. 

Anything ?:  




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layout designed and coded by flamzfox at Cerulean Themes







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