Idols dating | ugly truth | my final thoughts

I was honestly not going to speak on this topic anymore, I was going to stop talking about it last night after I updated my Baekhyun fanfic. At that point, I was really just over the whole thing.

So yes, this is my final thoughts on the Baekhyun and Taeyeon dating issue.

Before I state anything, I just want to apologize to anyone if the things I say offend you. It's just my opinion and my thoughts, you don't have to agree with me. Feel free to disagree with me, okay? So... don't get hurt lol.

Where do I start....

I understand that fans feel hurt or betrayed because of this. Maybe it's because the things that Baekhyun would say that now seem like sweet nothings, in some terms. Just for preference, Heechul once said that idols shouldn't promise fans anything sentimental because they'll take it to heart, and eventually not fulfilling that promise. I guess that's where fans feel the hurt with him dating Taeyeon. I understand that some are frustrated, seeing Exo as still a very new group in the industry and that this is a bad timing for everything to be coming out with a dating issue, more so, the Kris lawsuit. Or even that SM could be faking all of this.

Trust me, I get where most of everyone is coming from.

But here's how I see it.

Their age, their history, how long they've been exposed, and their choices are not for us to judge.

I feel like "they're still a new group, they debuted only 2 years ago, they shouldn't be getting into all of these problems so early, they're going to go downhill now because of this" is WHACK. Lol I'm sorry but that doesn't determine their ability to do whatever they're best at. They're singers, performers... why does their private life have to be incorporated into how we see them?

Don't get me wrong, I agree that they're still a fairly new group. But that's no excuse to Baekhyun and Taeyeon NOT dating or filing a lawsuit. I personally feel like they are entitled to their own choices and beliefs and feelings. That us fans are to not interfere with that, especially if they're in a relationship. To me, a relationship in the kpop world seems so taboo to people. Like, it's so wrong for them to date.

What's so wrong about our idols having feelings? Just because you see them in the arms of someone else makes it wrong? Is that it? I'm not questioning anyone's motives here but really, why is daitng such a horrible thing? The way fans react to their idols dating is one of the most ruthless things I've seen. Not just with Baekhyun and Taeyeon, really. With other idols too. People would threaten the idols, people would cyberbully, it's crazy. And I'm just wondering why is it such a negative thing that your idol found love?

Idols have this set image that they're supposed to be committed to their fans and their quality work while being an idol. They're rolling with the punches, sacrificing so many "typical" things in a lifestyle to be this public icon. I guess that's where it's strange or hurtful to see an idol doing these things such as kissing their boyfriend or girlfriend.

But in all honesty, as a fan myself, of both Baekhyun and Taeyeon, I have no right to in or disapprove of their relationship. I give them props for being in a relationship because it's a sweet reminder that they're not just idols, they're able to focus on something else other than their endless job. It shows me that they've found a rare thing called love and they're trying to make it work. Again, I ask, what's so wrong about that?

As a fan, I feel that I am in no position to even demand approval of any idols' private life choices. In other words, I don't think it's fair if the idol has to make their choices based on what the fans want. You know what I mean? Like who are we to say "she's not allowed to date him"? If anything, I will always remain just as a fan to my idols. Nothing more nothing less. I will never be the one they come across on the streets. I will never get to know them on a personal level. I will never marry them. I will never be in a friendship with them. Of course that would be great thought. I'm not trying to be negative, but it's the truth, it's the reality.

Being a fan... does not give me the right to lose sight of reality. And this reality here, is that these 2 idols have positive feelings for each other. Why do we have to rain on their parade? More so, make such a big deal and stir up more rumors or assumptions? I feel like we should just let them be happy and look at them as another happy couple in the world. If it's fake just so SM can get the attention or whatnot, then they've done a good job; they got our attention. But nonetheless, who are we to decide what the company and/or the artists do?

A fan shows support through thick and thin. We don't have to be okay with them dating. But they're human, they have feelings too. We're human too, therefore, they deserve our respect regardless.

So let's get over this and just accept it.

I apologize if the things I've said are offensive and I mean no harm to anyone reading this. I'm not asking for trouble but this is just my thoughts on it and I'm hoping whatever thoughts I shared with you would somehow influence you in a positive way. If not, then I apologize. My intentions are good ones.

Anyway, I'm sorry that this is so long lol but I hope we'll continue to love Exo no matter what happens. They will have a bright future... only if we clear the way for them to achieve that bright future with them.


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Baek_Tricia #1
I totally get what you feel. Im feeling like you too. Its their life... their freedom... their happiness... they can do whatever they want with their life. Im also a fan of both considering Baek is my ultimate bias and my ideal best friend bcos of his cheerful appearance. I just wanna say that no matter what happens I'll continue supporting Baek and EXO. ^^ To all those who are upset about this... himnae! Im sure the boys will have a bright future ahead of them. We are one... fans and exo!
please be a mature fans and don't judge them, they are human too..
they need someone to talk to when they are in their hard times, so i think it's possible to them to dating..
learn to accept the reality is a way to be more mature ..
hope you will find your own happiness too guys..
baekrishann #3
reality is reality…his life his choice…but i don't know why i feel so deavasted…and that Byun Baekhyun that i used to adore is still single in my broken heart </3 #notbashing
Lealiss #4
Well said and I couldn't have agreed with you any better.
lilxninjaa #5
Didn't even have to read all of this and I already agree 100%.
Tbh, I don't really care if an idol dates or not, even if it so happens to be my bias. Sure it hurts but, who are we to stop them? What annoys me most about this whole Baekyeon thing are these so called "fans." I've even refused to go on instagram, or almost any social media account, because my whole feed is just filled with crazy angry fans. Honestly, the only place I don't see people going crazy is here. And I agree with the whole "they're still a new group, they debuted only 2 years ago, they shouldn't be getting into all of these problems so early, they're going to go downhill now because of this", except for the part where "they're going to go downhill." Well, somewhat. I do feel that their FAN BASE will go downhill, again because of these delusional fans, but I mean it has nothing to do with their talent. I've loved EXO since their teaser days and having Kris as my ultimate bias in the group, yea I'm hurt and I'm still not quite over it, but only because nothing's been confirmed. With this whole Baekyeon thing, even if he was my bias, I'd still be happy for him nonetheless. What makes me angry about this whole thing is the fans. Even before everything was confirmed they were already burning and ripping merch like really? That 's expensive, did you really waste all your money just cuz your bias isn't dating you?
Agh, this whole thing is so frustrating but thank you so much for posting this. I'm glad there's someone who feels the same way :)
I ranted pretty much the same thing. And you shouldn't apologize for your opinions at all. It's on them if they take it up the or actually try to understand. I'm rooting for the couple because as you've mentioned, it's a sweet reminder that they're humans too; that they found love in such a cut throat industry. It's disgusting how these so-called fans are so CRUEL to those they claim to support. I'm appalled to how low society's become that they hate on others happiness. Why? No one will be happy if EXO disbands. No one will benefit from their suffering, so why make them suffer? It's so mind boggling how their mindset works. They keep coming up with bull reasons (betrayal and such)... Really, now? Really? Well... I hope u enjoyed my little rant.
Thank you for this. I ranted recently today, and this helped me cool off
it's hard to find someone who has the same views as you :)

everything that has been going on.. it's difficult for other to accept, but honestly, i respect every decision they make because after all, they're human, and so are we. we are all entitled to our own choices and just because oh i am an idol, i am prohibited from dating. no.

i am a fan of both snsd and exo and it hurts to see both idols bashed for following their heart. love is love, deal with it.

i find it strange that fans can't even accept or even respect their idols choices and people they love, i mean. after all. we are all human with feelings.

so i understand exactly what you're saying. :D and i 100% support them, no matter what.