
So, it's pouring rain at my home, and I go outside to check my mail and bring in the trash so that rain doesnt get inside. Suddenly I get this strange urge to sing. So I begin performing "singing in the rain".

Well, my grandmother always sits on her porch and watches me to make sure I don't like get kidnapped or something (I'm twenty four woman have some faith!)

Anyway, the next thing I know, she yells for me to stop trying to be like that Asian guy Cucomber. I stop in the middle of the down pour and am like "WTF man, she rememebers Kyuhyun but can't remember my name?"

I mean it, ever since she had that , I've been playing memory games with her using Super Junior as my cards for her to memorize, and she remembers them better than her own grandaughter who lives with her! The only good thing from all of this is that I've tricked her into thinking I'm dating Ryeowook. She always asks hows my singer doing. I litarally think thats how she memorized poor Wookie.

She thinks Hyukjae is my grandfather because he has the same build as my grandfather when he was young. Leeteuk's a duck in her opnion, ( I guess he's no longer human.) Other than that, she actually can tell their songs apart now. Like I can play cooking cooking and she will say is that that super happy people.

Bless the 81 yr old who knows super happy and not her own grandkid.

Readers, I would like a hug now please...


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turyka #1
Awww in a odd way is really cute and sweet.. Bless ur nana, seems like a sweet woman, and she love SuJu ^.^
Hugs for U and ur grandma.
prose-from-a-potato #2
Aw. *hugs* I showed my grandmother a picture of Super Junior, and she asks "Are they all different?" as if they could have been the same person. I'm sorry your grandmother's having a hard time remembering you.
awwwww I wish I had someone to do that too lol but yeah Leeteuk kinda looks like a duck sometimes, I get where she's coming from XD
Sparrownat97 #4
"Insert hug"
justaweirdisho #5
I'll give you a hug.
I admit I laughed at Ryeowook and Leeteuk.
So she never remembers your name even though you live with her ?
tanzi666 #6
Well it's like what Siwon always says "You don't have to be a fan since the beginning just till the end". Atleast this does show signs of her memory improving. Bet she'll remember you one day.
omg! That's so funny and genius! xD Esp the part about Ryeowook and Leeteuk lol