Please Stop Saying That You're Sorry

I've never posted a blog post here. And I've just about had enough.

Stop. Someone stop Taeyeon from saying sorry. Why must she feel sorry for loving someone? How can we let her apologise for loving someone?! I've always been calm. Until now, that is.

I don't care who she dates. But why are people making her sad? What did she do to deserve all those words? What wrong did she even do? Every sorry she says, pierces right through my heart.

Stop. Just stop saying sorry. You're tearing my heart apart with every sorry you say. It's not your fault. It never was, and it never will be.


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VanessaH2012 #1
She apologized?! She should not be sorry for finding someone who makes everything better. She should not have to apologize for such a beautiful thing in life... Ugh I wish fans could accept the facts and support their decision!