Trying To Look At The Bright Side


Well I think I just glad that I love them in the first place for their music not the singers.

I'm never really look into the singers especially their faces.

I don't mind they are not prety or handsome cause I just loved their music.

Appereance of a person never really bother me, if they are kind, smart and considerated with everything around them I guess I will like them.


It started around 5 years ago when I starting into KPop.

at that time I didn't really have any idea who I love. I just enjoying their songs and performances. But when I start liking into a group something bad happen to them. One of the member out because some problems with the agency. Then not long after another one of the group I like also filing a lawsuit to their agency. To be honest it broke my heart but what can I do?? It's their lives. They choose whatever good for them. It just calm for a moment before another storm coming through in the picture.

Another lawsuit.



What must it happen again and again??

They all start together from zero to be what they dreamed all along together. Why must all this happen??

Did all the tears that has been shed from my eyes not enough??

Did you must add another tragedy in the music history??



But whatever happen I wil try to look at the bright side.

I hope for the best for all of them.

I hope they can last long in the music industry and be a legend.

And I will always support their music whatever happen in the future because once again I fall in love with them because their music not their face or whatever displayed for public to consumes.


I love music!!!




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