Ah shoot, I'm stuck

Well tonight turned out to be very eventful, got two subscribers and two comments on my fanfic "Closer" and that made me uber happy ^-^

It made me pumped to write Chapter 4!

There was just one itty bitty problem....

I got writers block.

Like really? Really Yami?!

*Mentally kicks herself*

It just sorta happened! I didn't mean for it to!

Okay I have an idea but I just can't seem to figure out how I'm going to present it to the world with a chapter ya know?

Oh glob please let someone out there get where it is I am coming from (T^T)

What makes the problem more problematic is that the three people who can help me get out of this funk...are all sleeping (It is currently 3 in the morning where I am) Kkaebsong!
SO I am putting this out there for anyone who comes across this post and happens to i dunno read it, would you lend me your brain and words? lol I need someone I can bounce ideas off of XD I'll make it worth your while! Hahaha oh shucks that sounds very creepy of me enit?

I would seriously ask that blasted cat of mine but it seems to have gone off to a sleepover and didn't invite me, which is totally understandable, she probably thinks I'm crazy when I talk to her about my thoughts about how I am going to present my fanfiction to the masses. 

*Sigh* I am stumped...and maybe a little on the sleepy side but I just can't bring myself to go to sleep. I want to at least make a foundation to start the chapter off before I go sleep and think of ideas then...ya know maybe I should go to sleep?

Nah sleep is for the weak!!
Oh snap I just caught myself in another irony. I am weak and need my sleep.


Well to anyone that reads this (Hello out there?) If you would kindly read my story and just tell me your input I would like seriously metaphorically love you forever! Cuz you will graciously deserve it!

This writer has been defeated by her own writers block and will come back with reinforcements (oh glob i hope there are reinforcements when I get back)

Yaminom out!


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