This Damn News!

Okay, so i don't really care if Taeyeon of SNSD gets into a relationship...but her getting into a relationship with Baekhyun is so surprising!! and i'm like.....


Baek is like my second bias. I don't want him to be with anyone...maybe, not just yet. I hope i could get over this melancholic feeling, since i am just a no body to Baek. I don't want to bash Taeyeon for being with Baek, especially if she's the girl who makes him happy. I hope, not only for me, but also for the other Baekhyun biased out there, that we could eventually accept this news...maybe, not now, but sooner or later. 

Remember that no matter how hard we tried.....he will never know we exist -- as an individual. 

Let's be happy if they're happy. We are only their fans anyway. We are supposed to support them. ^^ 


--let's calm our raging fangirl heart! o/ 

Check out this news for the details: Here


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There, there. You'll learn to accept it :)
Let's keep calm and stan BaekYeon (or ByunTae) haha!