so wtf Lea

I haven't really made it a secret (at least on my tumblr) that I have severe Major Depressive Disorder. This isn't just 'feeling sad' or not feeling right - this is something that can take days to months of my life where it's incredibly difficult for me to do daily tasks and yes, causes suicidial inclinations. (luckily, I haven't had any so far this time, but that can always change.)


That's what's going on with my brain at the moment - I'm currently dealing with a ton of in my homelife, and that caused a severe downturn in my mood over the last few days. I've been feeling very discouraged with my writing as of late, and what felt like the complete failure of the last chapter of mutant au was pretty much my breaking point. I put, on average, 2-3 hours of thought into world building and creating believable concepts and flaws and planning it out, and to feel like people weren't even interested in the entire story unless I was writing ? It's discouraging to say the least. I know I'm not that great, but I try and get better, and while yes, my stories do have , I try and show a normal, healthy, happy relationship between two people, along with consensual and safe practices. (The world has enough sadness and angst and drama, I don't need to contribute to that. I use fic as a means to escape the reality that I'm prone to random bouts of crying and my joints hurting and some days I just can't even get out of bed without feeling like I'm about to shatter - I don't want to be reminded of that reality when I'm trying to escape it. If you all want to enjoy angst, please do because that's your thing, but I am not in a mental or physical place to do so, and that influences my writing.)


As soon as I post this, I'm bringing my fics back out of draft status. Just because I'm feeling like doesn't mean I should take it out on all of you. Sorry that it happened, and I promise I don't bite (hard, and not unless asked) if you guys are concerned about English or whatever, just post a message in a language you are comfortable in - I know how to use google translate, yo. It doesn't bother me, and I honestly go into peals of laughter when English fails and friends start fangirling in their native language, because it's absolutely adorable. If concepts puzzle you, let me know, I can usually explain them in a better fashion. (I'm trying to get my TEOSL cert, please give me the practice.) And yes, I can get annoyed when people are missing points and are blatantly displaying problematic behavior, especially in the comments, but for the most part, I enjoy comments and honest critique.


So that's what happened and why my fics suddenly disappeared and why they're suddenly back.


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jenniferway #1
I honestly really like your fics and your storylines, especially the way you develop them. I like that your fics aren't just , because if they were then they would lack plot, which is something I value a lot as both a reader and a writer. To be honest, I admire you a lot and hope to learn from your writing so that I can hopefully become better as well. I love that you show healthy, happy relationships and you develop them wonderfully. That's something that has actually bothered me a bit about asianfanfics, because a lot of the time when I read comments I find some that beg for or they wonder why they didn't have at a certain part and I'm always like??? Obviously, the author doesn't think they are ready for it yet??? Can't you tell that they haven't gotten to that point??? And it really annoys me, so I find your stories to be a breath of fresh air. So thank you for that.
Also, thank you for always writing happy fics. I happen to be in the same situation as you in terms of depression, although I don't think mine is as severe as yours. I can handle a little angst, so long as there is a happy ending, so it bothers me when I get to reading a fic and it ends all sad and angsty with no warning from the author and it really affects my mood and can affect me for days at a time. So again, your writing is a breath of fresh air from the angst and when one fic brings me down, I use yours as a way to distract myself and feel better. An update from you makes my day, but even if there is no update and I'm feeling down I just reread some of your posted chapters. So thanks for being awesome and making everything seem better:) Keep doing you cuz you are amazing :)
Sorry I don't comment a lot, it's something I should probably work on but commenting can cause me stress because I'm not sure if the author would find my comment annoying(dunno why, irrational fear I guess?) (and when I comment on yours, they are super long O.o) but I shall try if you wish^^
I love your stories wither you have or not...who cares, as a writer is well awesome in my eyes. I love reading your stories.
Hi, I just read one of your short stories, I liked it and checked out your profile to learn more about you, which is how I came across this. I haven't read any of your other stories yet and I don't have any words that can cheer you up, I'm sure, but I wanted to say that I know how you feel because I am the same way. Even though I can't give you any sweet words maybe you will feel better to know that you're not alone.

I'm worse than I've ever been right now, but writing makes me feel better. I always think I should write about my problems and maybe it would be therapeutic, but I would rather write happy and carefree things. Right now I can't think of anything happy to write about, but I hope you'll keep writing. Try not to worry so much if others like what you write. As long as you like it I'm sure there will be others that do as well and they'll appreciate it more.
HYUKslave #4
or no it doesn't affect me, coz you're one of my Fave authors.

I hope you can cope with the MDD .. Glad that you still can manage not into suicidal thoughts.

Take care lea <333
Kumquat #5
Also, the mutant one is my favourite one yet. Press on! Can't wait to read what you've got planned.
Kumquat #6
<3 this is the first time I've ever commented on aff despite being active on it for ages. I send hugs and kisses and warm fluffy thoughts your way. I know what that's like & I hope for the strength I know you have to continue pulling you through. All the best babe. :)

I'm a total storyline/feels/English snob btw & you're one of my favourite authors on here. Hope that counts for something too! Don't take the thing to heart about your writing; how many times have people said this already? sells. Heck even eunhae abuse that concept no end.

Wow ok I hope all is well now
Sorry my comments are lol I'm slacking bad because I read so late and tiredness makes me lazy
But dude, you are a good writer and you have great fics
I mean it
or no
i admire you so much, dealing with your depression and still writting such amazing stories! and it makes me sad that you also have some homelife problems, you know already what i think and i appreciate all your writting dedication that's why i feel like first i need to reread tthe cha`ter/story before i leave a lame comment (it'll be lame anyways like this but meh) and it surprised me you put them back this soon! i am happy! thanks^^
franyragon #9
authornim!! you're a-w-e-s-o-m-e please don't think bad about your writing because it's really good seriously. Learn that you're having problems makes me sad but I wish you could be strong and keep doing the things that makes you happy I want to belive that that's the cure for all our difficulties, so please stay strong, healthy and try to be happy authornim for us and obviously for yourself and the people you love and loves you :D *hugs you*
I'm sorry that it appeared that way! I never meant to make you sad in any way! I sometimes read your updates when I don't really have the time to so I don't always comment or think it through. But in all honesty...I think you are amazing! I once had to deal with a depression and I don't think I would have had the power to write such amazing stories because your writing really is beautiful. And I really don't mind if there's a story with no /real . I admit I love readying some well placed but I also don't care if there is non or it's only implied. So please ignore stupid addicts and write what you are confotable with and think fits the story because there is a reason you are the author (it's all your amazing concept).
And please never give up on writing! Thought this mide be a little bit sellfish because I want to continue reading them (I don't really care if I have to wait for an update) I also think that your stories are too good for you to give up on writing! Even if you at one point decided to stop writing on this side (I think I would cry) please never stop writing!
Sorry to hear that you are having troubles in your life and i hope that you will be able to overcome it with time as far as your writing I Love your writing and it doesn't have to in it all the time that comes down the line after they have established a better relationship and i Love your mutant au i like the way you have them just getting to know each other better before the comes in..I love the concept and the plot so take your time and when you fell better and need to get away from real life then you can start to write again ..Feel better soon <3333333