♡ 빗방울 ⋮ raindrop 〈 bonibell kadesadayurat. 〉

BELOVED © 2014. 

If people were rain, i was a drizzle and she was a hurricane. what about you?
when the tiny plane
NAME. bonibell kadesadayurat
chompoo ; it's her thai name, used mostly in thailand and by the family on her father's side
boni ; used by pretty much everyone because it's easier to say than "bonibell"
bell-bell ; used by ramona when she wants something
mom ; used by the members because bonibell is a total mom
dandyu ; (along with ramona) used by fans because they're both short
ajucham ; from "ajumma" and her stage name. used by fans because of boni's old lady habits like knitting and eating soup and not knowing how to work technology

BIRTHDAY | AGE. 12/12/96. | 18
london, england ; 1996-2006

mae hong son, thailand ; 2006-2011
seoul, south korea ; 2011-present
ETHNICITY. thai-irish
english ; native

korean ; semi-fluent
thai ; fluent

FACE CLAIM. seo ji hye
BACK-UP. kim da hyun

bonibell is  a bit shorter than ramona, but only by a centimeter. she's also not as fit as ramona, with a bit of a soft tummy compared to her twin's abs. she weighs 46kg and her thighs touch. she also has a pear shaped figure, and a larger than average booty that she is totally embarrassed of.
like ramona, she has light freckles from cheek to cheek. she has natural chestnut hair that flows down past her chest due to her irish heritage. bonibell's hair is silky and shiny and (in ramona's words) "goddamn perfection". her eyes are slightly smaller than ramona's and are mono-lidded.

bonibell puts a lot more effort into what she wears than ramona does. boni carefully plans outfit coordinations like which cardiagn will match her flowy dress today? which tights go with it? which pair of shoes should she wear? bonibell has a funky bohemian fashion sense and loves prints with flowers and chunky jewelry. she loves wearing long cardigans and stuff so she can cover her .
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it sounded like my camera
TRAITS. nurturing, kind, awkward, anxious
she loves her family & group unconditionally, they always come first, even before her own needs. if bonibell was bleeding out in a gutter and her baby sister was crying, she'd use the last once of strength she had to make her smile, even if it was a small one. bonibell thinks with her family (and group) in mind, she tries to always do what's best for them, and would even go without food to make sure everyone else has full tummies. she tries to teach them right from wrong, teach them not to take anything for granted. she tries to teach them to embrace life and live to its fullest and she teaches them that they are beautiful and not defined by their grades or accomplishments. bonibell allows them to make mistakes, and she allows them to learn from them. all they have to do is approach her, at any time, and bonibell will be there for them, even if she was in the middle of vocal training. bonibell makes time to have fun with her family, whether its cooking a family meal together or going to the park or going to the pound to read to little animals. bonibell is overjoyed and thankful that she has her family (and group) with her, and is happy every time she looks at her sisters and sees how quickly they're growing up. that being said, bonibell will not hesitate to take down guys three times her size if they try to do any harm to her family. she'd fight off burglars armed only with a broom if she had to.

bonibell really does have good intentions. kindness runs rampant through her heart and honestly bonibell is just a big ole' softie and it doesn't take her long to cave in and do something for someone. she's very accepting of people and always tries to keep an open mind and respect all beliefs and cultures. she is very well-mannered and always says 'please' and 'thank you', always has gifts for some lucky fans, and always holds the door open. in fact, she often times gets stuck holding the door for ten minutes because she feels bad to go through the door and let it shut on someone's poor face (even if they're ten feet away). bonibell can't stand seeing people sad or crying, so she'll always offer a shoulder to cry on.

bonibell's is entire existence is basically that moment when you're leaning back in your chair and you almost tip over. as a very anxious person, bonibell is afraid of just about everything. everything can kill her and nothing is safe, and if something can go wrong, it will go wrong. call her obsessive, but bonibell has at least 5 backup plans and 25 backup backup plans to counter-act any worse case scenario that wriggles its way into her brain. bonibell takes everything personally and worries about every little thing. and telling her that "worrying is silly" just makes her worry more like "wow am i worrying too much? what if they call me silly again?".

is she a hipster, or has she just not grown out of her socially awkward teenager phrase? that's the main question going through everyone's mind when they meet bonibell. she's terrible at social situations, there should be a jail for people who can't socialize and she should be locked up for the rest of her life. bonibell breaks out in a cold sweat at the thought of making eye contact with a stranger or aquiantance, and bonibell's idea of eye contact is looking in that person's general direction. handshakes are the absolute worst for bonibell. is it gonna be a normal one, or are we gonna bump it, are we gonna blow it up? she just doesn't know and that stresses her out a lot. bonibell tells too many bad puns and just in general is terribly unfunny but refuses to acknowledge it, so every time she opens people either groan, cringe, or prepare to laugh because odds are: bonibell will make a fool of herself. she hates meeting "friends of a friend" because then the friend'll leave and boni'll have to maintain that 49% smile that lets everyone know she's only pretending to enjoy herself. acceptance is the first step to help but bonibell will not admit that she's the most awkward person on the planet and she thinks she's so smooth that "she has to ask annie if she's okay" (her words). she tries doing suave tricks like balancing five drinks on a tray made for four (and we all know how that ends).

BACKGROUND. her family background. what shaped the way she is today. significant events i need to know?
CURRENT LIFE STYLE. whats her life now? her routine? what she does?
TRIVIAS. tell me everything else about what she likes, dislikes and everything in between.
ღ when she has freetime, she likes to volunteer at animal shelters and reads to the animals
ღ has an odd thing for older guys
ღ loves b1a4 and is a dedicated bana
ღ loves knitting and can make just about everything from gloves to sweaters
ღ has actually knitted a lot of things for ramona, it's just that ramona never wears them because she likes showing off her abs
ღ loves trot music
ღ is actually a terrible cook
ღ in ramona's opinion, bonibell is more popular with boys because she's someone they could show to their mother and who would get along well with their mother. plus she's perfect mom material
ღ her best feature is her lips. she takes very good care of them and makes sure they're not dry and cracked
makes everyone use lip balm because dry lips are disgusting
ღ before a concert, she watches the inspirational japanese fisherman video for an extra boost of confidence
ღ recent alumni of seoul international school (as of february 2014)
ღ has a weakness for magical girls
ღ she's a huge sailor moon fan and has almost all the merchandise
ღ fav feature on a guy: their lips
ღ hates it when people have thick lips and let them get all chapped and nasty like excuse you your mama blessed you with those dsls and you're just disrespectin her by letting them get dry. you are spitting in her face after she carried you for 9 months but not being aquainted with burt or his bees
ღ bonibell loves buggies especially precious snails
ღ hates irish jokes like no she will not kiss you no she doesn't have the luck of the irish
ღ she loves soup, it's her most favorite food in the whole world
ღ likes reading classic korean and thai prose
ღ her fav show is star trek the original series
ღ hates worst case scenarios. yes she knows her family won't be exiled to antarctica if she somehow messes up during raindrop's debut stage but the thought still scares her
ღ sings in her sleep
ღ has a bedazzled flip phone that she never uses because she still can't figure out how to work the dumb thing

ღ loves old school anime like neon genesis evangelion and sailor moon and creamy mami
ღ can't cook to save her life but can't accept the fact that she can't cook so she always forces people to eat her food
ღ loves old movies from the 70s and 80s
 one of her favorite things to do is gossip with ramona
FAMILY. state those in her immediate family/ those members that mean something in her life. feel free to expand on personality and realtionship if you like! but if not, 4 key traits for personality is fine. format below.
adirake kadesadayurat : dad : age : occupation : personality : relationship
aoibheen kadesadayurat : mom : age : occupation : personality : relationship  
ramona kadesadayurat : identical twin : age : occupation : personality : relationship
ike kadesadayurat : baby brother : age : occupation : personality : relationship
MISCELLANEOUS. state those that mean something in her life. like best friends, enemies, close idol friends. feel free to expand on personality and realtionship if you like! but if not, 4 key traits for personality is fine. format below.
"khemkha" khemkhaeng rattapimbunithai : best friend : age : occupation : personality : relationship 
amber liu : aquaintance : age : occupation : personality : relationship 
and i thought 
LOVE INTEREST'S NAME. cnu shin dong woo (b1a4)
BACK-UP. do kyungsoo (exo), key (shinee)

jeez cnu is a total mom, there is no doubt about it. he's definitely the bossy type, one who'll nag you until you break down. cnu often oversteps his boundaries and ends up saying things that usually a mom would have permission to say, like "you've gotten pudgy," or "you've gotten thin,". the guy means well, he really does. cnu will cook, clean, help with homework, tuck you in, make you soup, and look cute while doing it. he's the type who has too many feelings--much to his dismay--although he's much more comfortable with expressing them outside of work. he's and emotional person, one who'll cry over a drama or--if he's having a bad day--spilt milk. cnu would give someone the whole world, he has a habit of putting people on pedestals; he's definitely the type to idolize people. he's very warm and loving and loves to spoil people. he's naturally self-sacrificing, always doing more for others than he does for himself.

hey kids, wanna see his mint condition limited edition star trek figures? how about all his one piece merch? i know, you seem to be into really old snes games and memorbilla. no? cnu is a nerd. there is no other term for it. he just loves them all so much and he can't imagine life without them. he'd honestly win the award for biggest nerd of the year if he was into lord of the rings. he just has a lot feelings, okay? cnu has a big heart and he fills it with things like shows and characters and games. he's very easily moved by stories and movies and news and other people in general. he's a very passionate person and always invests himself fully in whatever it is he's doing. but that being said, things can get pretty ugly if he fails. his love is endless and he gives it to a lot of things. his family, his group, his cute dongsaeng, his banas, the world, cnu just loves everything.

RELATIONSHIP. how did you meet? first impressions? how did you guys progress? hows your relationship with him? cat and dog? ignoring? friends? this section is everything you want the relationship to be with him from the start to beginning.
their first meeting was at a fansign event it was a brisk fall fay and bonibell waddled over to cnu, the first in line, with much excitement. she did a 90º bow and handed him a sweater she knitted for him. she asked him if he was taking care of himself as much as he took care of others, and he jokingly asked if she was following her own advice. bonibell was caught off guard by the question but blushed and firmly said, "alright oppa, i promise to start taking better care of myself if you do too!" but before the could pinkie promise, bonibell was ushered to the next member.

they unite once again on a variety show with b1a4 and raindrop as guests. the emcee looks over to boni and ramona and says, "i hear champuu-sshi is very happy today. ah, which one is champuu-sshi?" and ramona points to her, "there you are! alright, champuu-sshi is happy today because of a very special person!"

boninell blushes super hard and tries to hide her face, "well, it's not really because of a person, but rather what that person is wearing,"

"what they're wearing? alright champuu-sshi, deliver a heartfelt messgae to the person making you happy!"

"ahh, this is so embarrassing! cnu-oppa—sunbae? oppa?"

"call him oppa!"

"um cnu-oppa, you're wearing the sweater i knit for you a while ago! ah, is it holding up well? it didn't stretch out did it? the color is still nice right?"

cnu's eyes light up and they add blushing effects to his cheeks, "i remember you giving it to me at the fansign, right?"

and gongchan adds, "he like wears it all the time!"

the emcee chimes in, "what a heartfelt reunion between cnu-sshi and champuu-sshi! champuu-sshi, fo you have anything else to tell cnu-sshi?"

wasting no time, bonibell says, "cnu-oppa let's do the romantic and idol together!"

the two take immediate interest in each other and bonibell finally has a reason to use her phone! 

 is a member of b1a4
 is bonibell's ultimate bias
 his ideal type is a woman with a big heart who takes care of others  like a mother (bonus points if she can get along with his mom)
 known as b1a4's mom
 the tallest b1a4 member
 has a perfectly proportionate body with a perfect smile
 was in a band in high school
 he is very slow, in his actions and words, and takes the longest to get ready
 his mom is a trot singer
 always has glasses and contacts in his bag
 he checks his phone for text messages as soon as he wakes up
 afraid of bungee jumping
 hates bugs
 he doesn't have a lot of body hair
 after their debut stage, he cried in the toilet for a while
 is a heavy sleeper


this is just

STAGE NAME. champuu ; she feels like her name is too foreign and would be difficult for people to pronounce plus she feels it seperates her from her sister who keeps her english name as her surname. it stems from her thai name only with a more "aesthetically pleasing" spelling
PERSONA. nurturing snow
FANDOM NAME. shampoo bubbles
FANDOM COLOUS. blu shampoo #ECD6FF
POSITION. main vocalist, supporting dancer

BACKUP POSITION. main vocalist, lead dancer, supporting rapper


SINGING. park jimin
TALKING. soyul
ACTING. lee chung ah


bonibell has been a trainee for three years, pretty much since she came to korea. in fact, the first day the family moved to korea, bonibell and ramona auditioned for sm. while bonibell was accepted because of her already strong vocals, ramona was not. bonibell would practice her singing a lot, to the point where her voice would be occasionally shot because she'd practice all through the night. her vocal coaches would often scold her for doing so.

being foreign and mixed, bonibell didn't really have many friends, and being pretty awwkard didn't help her cause either. she would get teased a lot by the korean trainees because of her freckles and her gross big and her weird ugly hair, even by the other fully asian trainees. bonibell really only had like two friends and was really lonely without ramona. she has never been in any mvs or a backup dancer. after ramona transferred to sm 2 years later, things got better for bonibell because ramona wouldn't let anyone pick on her totes adorable sister.

on stage, bonibell tries not to worry so much. she finds it difficult to let loose on shows becuase what if she ruins her image and is cute from the group? but thanks to the assurance of her members, bonibell opens up slowly.


a picture
a show skit (maybe snl) where the emcee asks boni if there's anything she'd like to say to any sunbaes. boni nods and there's a cut of her going to bangtan's dressing room and block b's dressing room. she gives namjoon and zico about five packs of lip balm and says to them, "sunbaenim, please do me a favor and use these"
durin their debut i would really like it if the stylist unnies dyed bonibell's hair like 2eye's yeonju

COMMENTS/ QUESTIONS. anything you want to ask or tell me?
SUGGESTIONS. song request or anything you want to see?
they should be on dream team doing girl group wrestling




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