Where are they now?

Does anyone remember CHI CHI?!

The "Creative House Dolls" . I know they're not a really famous group....but ever since their debut I have been keeping an eye on them.


Unfortunately, last October 2013, they disbanded.My fave (meaning the only one I ever looked at) was Sui.

They had a good start. Not a really good one that made an impression....just a really stable one. Their debut song, Don't Play Around— is the entire reason I even paid any attention to them. The MV is very colorful and playful and the camera effects used were minimal but in my opinion, very good ( because I really expected low quality from a nugu group ). Their MV quality can be compared to that of Rainbow's debut (most especially Rainbow's), Girls' Day's (Tilt My Head and Twinkle) and one other group (it's on the very tip of my tongue....yet I can't remember it).


The MV stars Lee Jong Suk (Krystal's brother in High Kick 3) and it's really all over the place (they kept chasing him around and shooting paintballs/ throwing balloons with paint in them at the poor guy. oh, and they shot 3D paintballs at him too via canon. I guess at that time he was only starting out (or maybe not) or he was iin it because just like VNT —a really famous face might get you somewhere (it didn't work for VNT though) cough*Minho*cough. 

And they were wearing those costumes you'd see teens wear during halloween, and dear sweet Sui was wearing a white+pink fairy princess number.

And they were in their individual boxes (because they're "dolls" right?) with their names on them. 


Basically their stuff was pretty generic but it wasn't bland. The reason for that being— their music was hella catchy. 

At first the song annoyed me to no end, but then, I started singing it in my head (Kpop has a way of doing that) and before I knew it...I was eagerly watching them on Mcountdown. 

The choreo is cute and funky and easy to groove along to. And is distinctive (I guess..) because of that crab-like hand gesture.


They even debuted in Japan. Even with the line-up changes (I never really cared for any of them tbh..JUST SUI) And though it never really hit off....they received some attention nonetheless. 


My fave CHICHI song would be "Longer". 

And that dance routine. OMG. The reaching-out-to-your-sides-going-upward move. And the camp es. The canes.CANES. 

i remember them releasing the Practice Ver. and everybody (or so it seemed) like they liked it. And they made a REMIX MV Ver. too.


Their last PV/release was "Love Lens" for an OST. 

I really think they could have been more. 


Though they lacked in many things. They seemd like the next Brave Girls meets C-REAL; even if I think they debuted before those groups. 


So yeah.




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The only thing I remember of them is that they wanted to be as successful as snsd, which newspaper called them to want to be the next 'snsd'.