♡ // matched up as ( travis beck )

( ♡ )
travis beck
[ shirouen // 08/10 // kae, anneong haseyo~ :3 ]


name: travis beck (bae taekryong)
nicknames:  travs // because kevin was too lazy to enunciate the rest of his name.
 age: 20
 date of birth: 14 / 08 / 1993
ethnicity:  korean-american
hometown: los angeles, california, usa
height:  179cm
weight: 60kg
language(s): english // fluent // native language, korean // semi-fluent // he still sometimes switches between informal and formal speech at the wrong time, and is a slow reader and writer, japanese // conversational // he picked up some from his japanese-american friend back in the usa, and then learned it while promoting in japan.

ulzzang: kwak min jun
backup ulzzang: oh jung kyu
personality key traits : extroverted, open, cheerful, quick-witted, creative, zany, passionate, insensitive, critical, brash, whiny, vengeful, one-track mind
peronality:  travis is the kind of person that you can talk to for about two minutes and pretty much get the lo'down on their entire persona. extremely extroverted, he can lead a conversation on almost anything, from puppies to pajamas; this guy has a mouth that runs just as fast as his legs. he'll approach just about anyone when he wants to, from strangers, to old friends he hasn't talked to in four years, to his housemates at 4-frickin' am in the morning when they clearly don't want to talk to him. he's very open about himself and his thoughts, and doesn't mind allowing others to know all his flaws as well as well as his good traits all at the forefront. at times this can be overwhelming -- he does have a tendency to talk too much, or say too many things, including things that probably had no place being said then and there. he's been known to accidentally expose facts about himself that might be offensive or opinions that could be controversial, or say things about the other members that they probably wanted to be kept private. he can be a little hard to trust with private information because of this.

despite having a tendency to dig himself into trouble with his mouth, travis is usually smiling. he has this very cheerful outlook on life, which can be pretty infectious. his happy-go-lucky attitude can shake even the most awkward moments and make tensions lighter in a heartbeat. he has a contagious laugh, and loves to breathe freshness into the situation. he's good at coming up with things to do, and fortunately his quick-wit gives him an edge in conversation. he's also good at coming up with things to say on the spot, and carrying on talks thanks to his creativity, and usually has very unique, though sometimes impractical approaches to things. he's also a fast auditory learner, and understands things relatively easily when they are spoken. granted this in no way saves him from his runaway mouth; sometimes it'll be too late by the time he notices he's done screwed up, and pulling a save out of his arse isn't as useful as he hopes for the most part. this is usually on display when he makes unintentional ual innuendos, or switches accidentally between informal and formal speech in korean when addressing people. usually the people around him notice this a lot faster than he would, and he's left sputtering like an idiot. his wit only really works well when he hasn't already messed something up.

as already established, travis' mouth is one of his biggest problems, even if it makes him an exceptionally out-going and vibrant person. because of his mind-to-mouth filter being so damaged, he often ends up being insensitive. he'll say something with total disregard of how someone else might perceive it, and unfortunately most people take his blunt criticism the wrong way. he'll often even blatantly tell people that he doesn't like something about them, or complain to their face about something they've done that's rubbed him the wrong way. his honesty in this sense, usually comes to bite him, and he makes a lot of enemies because he's usually unapologetic. he believes that he's doing people a favour by being critical, and doesn't realize he can be too harsh, or rude until he's already hurt the other person's feelings beyond his ability to repair his blunder. travis also runs a streak of being quite brash with his demeanor. he's naturally an assertive person, and since he's so expressive, he can come off as rude or annoying. he's noisy and very loud about his achievements or successes, and will make a point to have himself stand out. more often than not he's trying too hard, since he has a bit of an inferiority complex. if he feels his status is being threatened, he'll make a point to prove anyone in his way wrong, usually by tripling his efforts. he doesn't like to be told what to do, or how to act, or that someone else is better than him, even if they clearly are. this also makes him quite whiny when things don't turn out the way he wants them to. he'll make a big fuss about not getting his way, and can be quite the sore-loser when it comes down to it. people will call him immature and melodramatic because of this, but he complains since he's used to being able to get what he wants from his parents by it. you could call him spoilt; in fact he admits that he can be a brat, but he can't help his loud nature.

besides being creative with words, travis has been shown to exhibit creativity, while perhaps being a little overzealous, with his actions. he's been called zany before, since he loves to laugh and play jokes to get other people to laugh. part of the reason travis is such a cheerful person is because of this; he learned to laugh at himself and accepted his stupidity and flaws. comedic at heart, travis will purposefully pull stupid antics such as overdramatic falls or pranking others, just to get other people to laugh at him or laugh in general. while at times, this laughter does come at the expense of dignity, he believes that people should be able to laugh at themselves and up their pride a bit. he will apologize when he embarrasses someone, but he's usually busy laughing in their faces first. he doesn't mind it when people pull pranks on him either, as long as they're for fun, and not hurtful. in fact, sometimes he encourages this. that though, brings out his tendency towards vengeance. travis gets back at people. in fact, he ensures he does -- and sometimes does it better than they did when they first messed with him. his jokes chain, and he and his friend kevin actually have an on-going prank war that continues every time travis goes back to the states to visit. while he's mostly vengeful in a playful way, this also does transpire to aggression at times. if someone hurts someone close to him, emotionally or physically, travis will go after that person like a ravenous dog. he is protective of his friends, and therefore takes attacks on them personally, and will definitely seek retribution for any wrongs. his vengeful nature makes him quite playful and child-like, but can also make him quite dangerous.

while the majority of his flaws are very in your face, one of travis' best traits is always on display too. travis is an extremely passionate person. since he was little, it's always been his dream to become a part of k-pop, and to be a singer, and he's barreled over everything to get to his goal. that kind of motive and dedication to his craft when he grew up has stayed with him all these years. when he gets into things, he'll give 200% to it, and it's very hard to make him give up. determined, and focused, travis will always take his dreams seriously, and wants to instill this kind of drive into the people he meets. his passion, just like his cheer, is very infectious. he encourages people to go the distance to achieve something from their lives, and when something's good, he'll definitely make it known. his motivations make him very hard to discourage, or get down. he's also someone who dishes out praise just as much as he can be blunt with his criticisms, and he's always there to offer a push in the right direction. he believes that passion will get anyone anywhere, and that giving your all is essential to being successful and happy. at times though, travis can have a one-track mind. because he is so diligent in his work, he can be very obnoxious toward those who get in the way of it. if someone interrupts him in the middle of a thought, he waves them away, or tells them off if they persist. he doesn't pay attention to anything else when he's focused, and therefore often misses information or ends up accidentally ignoring people. he's had to have been hit upside the head before because he was being stupid, and not listening to them. he usually apologizes after realizing he was concentrating too hard on his goal, but it can take some time to snap him out of his own head. this does however, make him pretty reliable, since you can give him a job, and he'll do everything he can at the time to get it done. his focus brings him as much success as it does problems, and his passionate nature makes him pretty lovable after you get past all his big flaws.
family background: 
travis' beginnings aren't all too flamboyant or interesting to share. his father, bae jungseop, is fully korean, and was born in wonju, south korea, before he moved to california to attend university. there, he met the woman of his dreams, a young american named karla beck, after joining the korean student association, whom he married after they graduated. to their name, two sons, jason and travis, were born in los angeles, where they would raise them for the remainder of their young lives. they lived right by the koreatown, where jungseop felt more at home, and he could pass on his heritage to his children. travis went to an average public school in l.a. travis didn't have hard beginnings at home. he was a happy child, which helped develop his cheery, happy nature. his laughter only grew over time, and he learned to love being happy, and making others happy through actions close to how his parents raised him. if only he hadn't gotten such a rude way of talking from his lack of discipline.

in a lot of ways, travis was raised in possibly the perfect environment for his interests in k-pop and music to blossom. being in close proximity to the koreatown in l.a., travis had been exposed to k-pop early in his life. while it hadn't been so popular in the states at the time, he immediately took to the unique style of music and the image that k-pop stars put up, which led to his passion for music. his father would take him the annual korean festival each year, and he'd see stars from south korea live, inspiring him to pursue becoming an idol. for the most part, his family was okay with this. he learned to love singing, and it quickly became his drive in life. most of travis' musically inclined american friends were, however, rappers, including his best friend from childhood, kevin. they didn't particularly understand why travis wanted to sing so badly, but travis always put them in their place when he demonstrated his powerful long notes and projection. he picked up singing as an art from as early as 6, and even started doing covers at 8 and writing his own music at 13. he was in the school choir, mostly to develop his skills, and did musicals all throughout his young life in and out of school. in his spare time outside of school, he'd sing in the garage, or perform with his friends in their own musical endeavors. he's been featured before in a lot of kevin's underground rapping, and continues to support his buddy by collaborating on lyrics together over e-mails.

all of travis' young life was surrounded with song and music, and he particularly took to holding out long notes as his primary talent when he discovered his above-average lung capacity. over the years, travis trained himself, and had his father teach him to perfect his korean, so that he could one day audition to become a trainee in south korea. thanks to his exposure to so much of his heritage, he did manage to integrate korean culture into his own life pretty easily. soon enough, his constant practice and drive paid off; the fateful day came midway through travis' 15th year of life in the states, after he was accepted to become a trainee under s.m. entertainment during a global audition. he trained for three years, before debuting as a solo artist in 2012, and then joining toheart just this year alongside woohyun and key.
family members: 
bae jungseop // 47 // passive, mild, earnest
karla beck // 47 // kind, impulsive, empathetic
jason beck [bae jaeryong] // 23 // dignified, clever, scornful

kevin kawasaki [oc] // 20 // flamboyant, encouraging, temperamental
kim jonghyun [shinee] // 24 // joyful, passionate, out-going
choi jinri [f(x), sulli] // 20 // cheerful, tough-skinned, fiery
likes:  carrots, bunnies and hares, comedians, horror/thriller/action movies, adrenaline, exercise, his washboard abs, fanservice, screaming at the top of his lungs, street art and graffiti, lyric writing and song composing, competitions, variety shows, hair dyes.
dislikes: anything with caffeine in it, sweets, the dentist, zebra print, his natural hair colour, swimming pools, large bodies of water, really short hair on girls, the flight between south korea and the usa, formalities, excessively greasy foods.
trivias: travis has two pet rabbits back in the states, a dwarf named midnight, and a giant lop named charlie, travis has one helluva potty mouth, but has learned to censor his curses with words like 'fudge' or 'carp', he is openly biual to his friends and family, but keeps it a secret from the general public because of the different views on homouality in south korea, he eats carrots as a snack so often it's running joke he'll turn orange one day, he loves to show off his abs, and will never sleep with a shirt on, he is deathly afraid of the dentist, he cries pretty easily from sentimental things, he has perfected the art of falling over without hurting himself because his legs get weak when he starts to laugh too hard, he gets confused when people call him by his korean name because his family only called him it when he was in trouble, he can apply guyliner without help, he is a second-degree black belt in taekwondo, he has an inferiority complex because his brother was so much better than him in school, he plans on getting a small tattoo on his left wrist, whenever he figures out what he wants there.

aka the interview ; plus i really want to try this soo.. o u ob

question: welcome to matched up, a new kbs dating programme, 
will you start by introducing yourself in a few sentence? 
response: /in english. hey there everyone, travis beck here! /end english. smtown and woolim entertainment's third member of toheart~ i'm actually a solo artist regularly, but they thought to promote me with woohyun-hyung and key-hyung, so i've been active beside them ever since. i'm actually from los angeles, california, and was born in the heat of august. i'll be twenty one soon internationally, meaning i'll be legal even in my home country haha! anyway, i'm excited to be here, so take care of me lovelies~ nice to meetch'all.

question: it is my pleasure to meet you! now, tell us breifly why you're interested 
to join this programmee will you?
response: oh, it was key-hyung and woohyun-hyung's idea. they said i'd never get a girl another way because i'm brash and blunt and girls get scared off because i'm all in-your-face the moment you meet me. in the end, i figured why not. i'd be getting the chance to meet some awesome girls and humouring my best friends. two birds with one stone is the saying right? oh yea, and so that i can have something to say when kibum starts ta-- i meant key-hyung aha.. he's so going to kill me for that. anyway, when key-hyung starts talking about himself and we got married. seriously, they call me the talker of the group, but he could go on forever about how well wgm is going and his relationship with arisa-sshi. either way, i'm excited and hoping for something good to come out of the experience. you won't disappoint, will ya? /laughter.
question: interesting! now, could you tell us how you'll behave when you actually like someone?
response: oh i'd just go for it. not straight up flirting right away, but i mean i'd at least make an effort to be friendly. i want her to know i'm not just jumping into things, so i'd take it slow, probably get her number and try to arrange some time for us to hang out. if things work out, here comes skinship and more talking and i'd probably get some gifts for her before i'd tell her i liked her if she hadn't already gotten the message by then haha. i like to just dive into things, so i guess girls aren't any different. i'd probably try to be a little more sensitive if she needs me to, but i can't say i'd change much. it wouldn't feel right like that anyway. 
question: what about a neutral feeling? like when you're interacting with 
someone who likes you but you know, you don't think you feel the same way though.
response: ahh that's awkward.. i hate to be the heartbreaker but i think i'd tell her straight up i'm not interested if i know she really likes me like that, and i'm really not interested. i mean keeping someone hanging is just cruel. the least i could do is be honest right? i mean maybe i'd give it a chance if i think we had one, but when the feelings not there, it just isn't. pushing it just causes problems, so it's better to hit the brakes sooner than later. can we still be friends though?
question: that's really cute! ok , now for the final question, could you describe your ideal
partner a little for us?:
 response: someone who can take criticism like a boss and loves to laugh. i'm not picky otherwise. i mean, life's full of surprises right? i just don't think a girl lacking those two specific traits would be able to stand me haha, so i think those are the minimum requirements. if you wanted an idol representative, then my labelmate sulli of f(x). not that there's anything between us, but i am friends with her for a reason, and shouldn't my partner also be able to be friends with me too? i don't believe in having a line between best friend and boyfriend, i'd want to be someone she can rely on for both those roles.
suggestions: not that i can think of at the moment :3 
comments: this is a really interesting idea, and i hope travis suits your needs~ i have a tendency to write a lot, so his personality is really long, but you did say quality = quantity tee hee.  i didn't mention kibum and woohyun in his friends since i was only allowed three, but obviously since they're in the same sub-unit they're very friendly with one another. anyway, good luck with the story, and i look forward to seeing who gets chosen and how the couples will work out :3!


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