BTFW Profile

Kwon Kae Yu's Profile:

Name: Kwon Kae Yu
Age: Undetermined (Turned Into A Vampire At Age 16)
Birthdate: November 15
Personality: Quiet & Soft


     I was borned into a family of blood thirsty monsters. My family expected me to be just like my brothers and sisters, but I was different. I was never violent, I could stand the sight and smell of blood without going crazy, and the ability to expose to the sun without being toast to death. And no one seems to have a clue that I was -- human. No one, except for my one and only best friend, the person who accepts the real me, Han Ma Gye. 
     One day, we hung out in a cave, just lying there talking about boys and stuff, and suddenly we discovered something weird on the cave's ceiling. Han Ma Gye, an educated vampire with a high IQ, recognized the mysterious text -- It represents death and revenge... Feeling anxious inside I accidentally touched the text and create a hole. The hole was...sunlight was shining through the hole! The light was so strong you could get blinded just by directly looking at it. And the light was shining at...Ma Gye's chest! The light was shining directly to Ma Gye's chest...Ma Gye's heart...Without the ability like me, Ma Gye was burned painfully, but I saved her in time by pushing her away fron the sun. Ma Gye was screaming and yelling in pain, touching her burned and bleeding chest as I freaked out and froze in shock. Something stopped me from moving, from trying to help my hurted Ma Gye -- something was possessing me! From hearing the odd noises, a guard nearby ran there and spotted the ruckus. Ma Gye was saved, but she's no longer the sweet and kind Ma Gye I used to know. Ma Gye's heart was literally burn, which turned her into a heartless, evil person, and it's all because of me. The headmaster then threw me into dungeon, thinking that I attempted to murder Ma Gye, and my whole family recieved the death penalty due some law of family rules.
     Six years later, when I turned 16, I was released from the dungeon. The first thing I did was going the cave where the incident happened. Everything looks the same, and the text is still there. I was about to touch it again when-
     "Don't you even dare Kae Yu," said Ma Gye, sneaking up behind me and pushed me down. "Ma Gye! I'm so glad to see yo-" I said.
     "Shut up princess. I'm here for a reason you know." said Ma Gye. She then used her magic by shutting me up and sticking me to the ground so I couldn't move. "I suffered in my life because of you, and it's time to pay back."
     Ma Gye kneels down and started crawling over my body. She's then completely over me. She moved closer to my face, and suddenly, showing her vampire teeth, Ma Gye dug through my neck collecting my human blood. Not only that she was collecting, I felt like she's injecting something else into my blood. Before all my blood was collected, I felt that Ma Gye's magic on me are weakening, and pushed her away from me. She got back on her grip and punched me in the chest. My Ma Gye have been turned into a monster, and to save myself, I had no choice but to released the light...
     That's the story of how a became a vampire, but there's still several drops of human blood in me, and with that powerful combination, I gained a special power. I can't seem to identify what was the power, but it's very special. I used the power to erased what happened, and that includes - Ma Gye. I also gained my vampire powers: strength, speed, and just the center of iness. And hey! I got a job at a club! Seeing hot guys everyday made my day. My life continues through a hot world.


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