Hi this is pandamirah2 speaking.Late I've been feeling really crappy I dont know why and today I just found out why.My nose has something growing in it and its blocking like 80% of the airway(((I think that is what is happening))).If its not serious then I'd be given normal medicine but if its really bad I.....have.......to........go........for.........Surgery TT.TTMy life is so unlucky man,i broke my arm and had a surgery I hit my head too hard and have to have a surgery and now my nose I think after this Im gonna be voldermort TT.TT

So next week I might not be able to update any fics((depending on my situation))But I hope hope hope hope hope its nothing serious lets all justpray to god that its nothing serious TT.TT


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Whatever happens. All the best to you.
hang in there !! :)