Please read

I have so many fics I need to get finished. So i am gonna try my best to get in the habbit of updating weekly again. So please pic one fic out of the choice I give that you think I should focus on.


  1. Innocence stolen
  2. Life of A Cutter
  3. Tumultous Maze
  4. The Stone of Freedom; Tale of Jung Taemin
  5.  Affairs of The Heart
  6. The Colors of Crazy

Out of those 6 choices please pic one you'd like to be updated. I have started 3 new fics I plan on updating weekly or trying, so thats 4 fics one chapter a week.


Fics I plan on updating already

  1. The Forbidden Kiss
  2. Tenuous Nightingale
  3. Embrace Till Death Do Us Part


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The Colors of Crazy and Innocence Stolen are the one's I'm most eager to read updates for.
I'd like "Affairs of the Heart" for Saturday. The title is interesting.
do like a calendar for your writing, place the stories in a random order mix it up update them differently each week, keeps your ideas fresh