Hiring Graphic Designer & Trailer Maker!

Graphic Designer:

Give me a couple of examples of work you did. (Best if it's actually posters for fanfics)

How long would it take for one request to be done?

What can you make? (Character Chart, Banner, Background, Poster & Display Pictures) (I hope you can make a character chart b/c that would be nice)


Trailer Maker:

Trailer examples (1-5):

How long would it take for you to finish 1 trailer? (A day-1 week)


I want some staffs that are quite responsible in finishing their work on time. I usually work according to your schedules and you can take a day or two off from requests by notifying me (like health issues or school work problems). I would like staffs that can finish requests quite fast because the shop is very full right now. Hope to see some applications soon! I really need all the help I can get. You can comment below to send your application.


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Trailer Maker: (I tend to make a new YouTube per shop I've worked for, as requested by the shop...)

Trailer examples (1-5):

1. http://youtu.be/DONTIq2XMZg
2. http://youtu.be/XebUZKOVO5M
3. http://youtu.be/MDjdr0zXtWI
4. http://youtu.be/KhjS8HEl8q8
5. http://youtu.be/1NWquuSz1a8

How long would it take for you to finish 1 trailer? (A day-1 week):

Depends. I can usually finish 1 or 2 a night, but I'm busy most days until around 8pm GMT, so it normally depends on how long I stay awake that night. On an average, though, I think I could manage around 3-4 a week easily, if not more.