move on + introduction

the title says it all. i moved on. i deleted my stories, i deleted my blogs, i unsubscribe some story that i thought i would read but i'm not, i gave all my karmas to somebody and everything to make this account clean as new. move on, right?

this is not a fast decision of me, myself. i'm not making this decision instantly. this is hard, i have to say. i've been quiet for almost- 2 years. and within that 2 years i've been stucked between questions. should i do a new account? should i delete my stories since i'm not going to update them? what if i lost my subscribers? (i am greedy that time, i don't want to lose my subscribers) should i deactivate this account? should i this should i that. truth be told, i've been thinking this and i realized, all i need is to move on.

why move on? why choose to continuing what have you started? 

i want to make a fresh start. this account is way too messed up. i just wanted- something new. and that something new is not making a new acc, but re-new what i've already got. why don't i just deactivate this acc? no, no. this acc is the witness that i've found this site. this acc is where i find my first friend on aff, and i will not forget who she was. she thoughts i forget her already but no, i'll not forget my first friend here, in aff.

so here am i, the new -endorphins. not the one that used to talk to you. not the one who you claimed as your friends before. i'm new, and please act like i am one. please act like you don't know me. we can have a new fresh start, formally introduce ourselves and we're friends.

so let me start.

hi, my name is ... let's not tell you my real name, even though some of you knew my real name is. let's just call me fayi. a buddy gave me that nickname. i thought it was cute so why not you guys call me that, too? i am 14 years old this year, and i am a girl. pfft. obviously. i shared the same birthdate as exo's kyungsoo, but i was born a few years after him so don't forget to greet me every 12th january, okay? hekhek.

from my head to toe, i am 158cm tall. tall? ew no. 44 is my weight. heavy? fat? i don't care i eat as i feel like eating lol. i love to eat. i love fast foods the most. i mean, come on how can you hate burgers? fries? i am from malaysia, and purely malaysian. english isn't my native language but i'll try to improve myself.

what do you want to know about me? ask below!

want to be my friend? please introduce yourself below, too!

and lastly, i would like to end this blog with a 

hello, there! would you like to be my friend? ^^


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IM 14
hi fayi c: the name's elise,
i'd love to be friends! ♡

+ your nickname is cute ;;
Heya fayi im ali. Wow that rhymed.