So. Mad. Right. Now.

I was in the middle of a REALLY long blog comment and I was just about to post it when.... The unthinkable happened (lol, I think that was from Tron right?? xD ). MY STUPID STUPID IPOD.... crashed. -_- ALL OF IT. GONE!!! With the blink of a blak screen. But this is not the first time it's happened. OH NO!! This is just one of the MANY. But I am do fed up with it right now. Is this happened/ing to anyone else? Should I take it into Apple~? But then I have to wait an hour to have an app with them and I always feel so awkward in there~ -_- Stupid iPod. -_-


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icookyourramyun #1
Oh my god, I hate it when that happens! I type stuff up on my iPhone a lot and when it crashes I restore it. Have u tried that???
Sometimes if it has too mush memory on it it might crash as well.