시크릿 연인 — kim eunah / lee sungyeol

시크릿 연인 : [ kim eunah ] 

☀ kim eunah
☀ 23
☀ september 18th, 1990
☀ korean
☀ nurse intern / medical student
shirouen / kae
seo sung kyung
lee sungyeol
lee junghwan (sandeul)
nicknames : 

+ button - sungyeol - it's his petname for her since she has a fondness for clothing with buttons.

+ eden - english friends - it was the english name she chose when she went aboard to london. she doesn't use it often anymore, but her friends from england will call her this.


height :  167cm


weight : 53kg


style : eunah's style is quite conservative. since she doesn't like revealing clothing, she doesn't usually wear things that expose too much skin, or are transparent or see-through. the exception to this is her legs -- she has a bit of pride in them, so she'll don shorts and skirts often. she likes to dress in layers, and tries to keep warm. even in the summer, she brings around a jacket or a cardigan. she likes to look mature, and upscale, and often wears heels so that she has a little boost in height. 

+ casual : [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
+ formal :
 [1] [2] [3]
+ home : [1] [2] [3]


personality traits :
+ mature, level-headed, forgiving, intelligent, adaptable, faithful
+ cautious, paranoid, envious, pessimistic, submissive, secretive


eunah was one of those children who people often mistook for being much older than they actually were. since her sister was born, eunah abandoned most of her childhood in favour of looking ahead to the future, and what she could become. she's a mature girl, and uses logic and reasoning to make her decisions rather than relying on her moetions. she knows how to take care of things on her own, and thinks with an adult mind -- expanding her world and structuring it so that she'll become a proper woman in it. she's a level-headed person, in that she thinks clearly, withing making room for obstructive views of thoughts. more often than not, once she's focused or concentrating on something, she will be able to work on it diligently and without distraction. her level-headedness and maturity also makes her calm in most situations, and she doesn't stay angry or upset for long periods of time because of this. she easily forgives people because she's able to quickly understand things for the most part, and doesn't want to keep situations troublesome or tense.

probably because of her maturity, eunah also grew up to be a cautious person. she exercises a lot of care with her work and studies, as well as her relationships with people. she hates when she feels rushed, or stressed, and easily submits to things or tries to solve problems early (even if she has to give things up) just so that she can have her peace. since her dream is to become a doctor, her caution prevails her. she is extra careful when it comes to people, and cane be quite paranoid if things go wrong. no matter how level-headed she tries to be, when push really starts shoving, she breaks down into fear and worry. she can't help but be concerned and pessimistic about the outcome of the situation, which often leads to her bad ideas coming true because she lost control of herself.

even if she's seen as easily adjusting to things, her adaptability is mostly a stem off her caution. she knows that she can break down, even if she tries her best to cover it up, and so she tries to quickly apprehend any situation she gets into. she changes herself and her mannerisms to suit the situation, and since she's an intelligent girl, usually she gets it right on the first or second try. she has a lot of natural, born talent for things, most of which she's unaware of, but will use to her advantage when she can, or realizes she has it.

perhaps due to the her upbringing, eunah is also an envious person. she tries to bury this as deeply as she can, but more often than not she can't help but think nasty about people who have more than herself. whether it's the pretty models that she works alongside or her younger sister who so easily garners happiness and attention, eunah has quite the jealous streak. more often than not, she doesn't act on it because of her paranoia and caution, but it's there, and just waiting to get out of hand. she tries to snap herself out of it, but sometimes she can't help but glare and glower when someone is receiving something she wants. her pessimism and darker thoughts surface here, and a lot of her outer shell of being a mature adult cracks, and the childhood self-centered girl she left behind so long ago comes back to haunt her. her envy had once gotten the best of her, and she had nearly hurt her little sister because of it in the past. she hasn't gotten over the incident, and she's afraid of herself because of it, even if she knows she can't help the feelings in her heart. she's never spoken to anyone about them, and wishes she didn't have this darker side to her that she can't help.

while all these things hang over eunah's persona, she also does maintain a sweet form. she's a motherly kind of person, who takes care of people and cherishes them sincerely. even if she's envious of someone, it won't keep her from caring about them, and feeling guilty because she can't help her darker feelings. she is a kind girl, and very faithful. when someone trusts her, she will do her utmost best to keep it, and tries never to break a promise or lie. she'd rather avoid situations where she feels that she has to fib to make someone happy. her intellect makes her formidable when it comes to her studies and planning, so she's an organized and neat person, both outside and in. she has a responsible nature, and looks out for her future.


likes : 
+ reading, particularly mystery novels
+ being on time, or prompt
+ clothing with buttons
+ jelly candies
+ flowers
+ the library
+ spending time at home
+ children


dislikes :
+ being rushed or hasty
+ revealing clothing
+ pre-exam anxiety
+ winter, and cold in general
+ gossip
+ fighting or arguments
+ cursing
+ bugs that fly


hobbies :
+ reading
+ sewing
+ tutoring her friends
+ yoga
+ scrapbooking


habits :
+ frequently playing with the buttons on her clothes
+ chews her lip when she's nervous
+ twirls her hair when she's nervous
+ is a slow-eater


trivia :
+ her petname for sungyeol is 'smarties'.
+ she is near-sighted, but wears contacts.
+ when she was young, she left the window of the nursery open during the winter because she was jealous of ahryeong getting all her attention, and got ahryeong sick. she hasn't forgiven herself yet.
+ at school, she always carries her small laptop around.
+ her favourite animals are ducklings.
+ she at cooking, but she's trying to improve.
+ whenever she marries, she would like a very small wedding, with a cake made by her family.
+ she's never had an energy drink before.
+ she knows how to curse like sailor, but tries her best not to even when she's mad.
+ she picked up scrapbooking from her younger sister.
+ she is terrified of ghosts and ghost stories. she will cry during them, and pales at the mention of anything being haunted.
+ she also doesn't like frogs. she almost failed a biology lab because they had to dissect one and she nearly cried doing so.
+ despite catching up to pop culture once she met sungyeol again, she still isn't totally familiar with a lot of k-pop terms.
+ she will wear any clothing she gets as a gift at least once, no matter how she feels about it.




















































name : lee sungyeol


age : 22


how you met : 
eunah and sungyeol actually knew each other from when they were quite young. sungyeol's parents were regular visitors to the bakery that eunah's parents owned, and at times they would bring along sungyeol to pick out treats. it just happened one of these days, she and her younger sister were playing together in the shop, so the parents decided to introduce the kids. sungyeol and ahryeong got along right away -- both their childish antics and mannerisms clicked easily, while eunah mostly watched as the 'noona' figure, and big sister. sungyeol would come over to play with ahryeong, and sometimes eunah would join in. after awhile of playing together, apparently sungyeol developed a small crush on eunah, and confessed to her after ahryeong wouldn't stop pestering him about it. in the end, not much came out of it. eunah thought it was a joke, and didn't take him seriously -- she just played along and treated him the same way as she usually did, while sungyeol took eunah's 'playing' seriously, and thought she understood his crush.

they never actually got over this misunderstanding. once eunah enrolled into a private, all-girls boarding school, she and sungyeol lost touch. by the time they met again, sungyeol was already an idol. in fact, eunah didn't recognize him. she was visiting home after entering her first year of college, and sungyeol came in (dressed like an idiot because idols seriously think they can hide their identities with all black clothing, masks and sunglasses in broad daylight), and was shocked to see her again. he immediately started talking to her, and she was well.. confused to say the least, why a really tall lanky kid had started to talk to her. and then ahryeong came in and called out sungyeol's name, and eunah realized who he was. they reminisced old times, and eunah learned for the first time that sungyeol had become an idol. since she had been so busy with her studies, she didn't pay attention at all to pop culture, so the reveal came as a shock. he promised he'd keep in touch this time around, and they exchanged new phone numbers, before he left the bakery.

he kept his promise. that night, he sent her a text and they kept communicating from there. it turns out his old feelings for her were rekindled when they met again. from then, he'd take time out of his schedule to visit her, and invite her to see his shows. she had to decline most of the offers, since she was busy, but she did start looking up infinite and supporting him as best as she could -- as a friend and a fan. she grew very fond of him, and they got only close and closer over time. their relationship finally took flight when eunah was able to attend her first infinite concert, and she watched him from the crowd, cheering for him. sungyeol took the first step after that, and asked her out through a phone call (because he couldn't up the nerve to ask her out in person). to say the least, eunah was quite shocked at the development. she was afraid of what it might mean for her to be the girlfriend of a famous idol, even if she was his childhood friend and crush. in the end, sungyeol's desperate "just give me one chance." got to her. they agreed to date in secret, and have been a couple since.


personality traits :
+ passionate, friendly, exuberant, emotional, pure-hearted
+ brazen, shameless, naughty, immature, naive


personality : 
sungyeol is one of those people you love for being refreshing and full of life. he has this kind of passion and zest that's infectious, and he loves to smile and make others laugh, and is a naturally exuberant person because of this pure intent of his. he is often found doing silly things and making the most odd gestures, or pulling pranks because he's trying to be funny or is just enjoying himself to the fullest. he doesn't believe in holding an image, even as an idol, so he'll allow himself to be childish and wreck his physical image for the sake of variety and laughter. unfortunately, this does make him a naughty-type of personality. he has no problems with pranking others and is often found messing with s or invading their personal space, or doing things that would garner secondhand embarassment. he is a shameless person, who usually acts before he thinks, and even though he'll sometimes regret his actions, he still hasn't changed the fact that he won't think too hard about them before doing them.

sungyeol is also a brazen person -- he has a lot of self confidence and thus is a bold, out-going kind of person. this helps his shameless nature, and can sometimes make him even more immature and childish, but it also contributes to his lively personality. even in the most embarrassing kind of situation, he'll grin and try to play it off and turn it around. he is an emotional person, who cries easily, though strangely enough he is not able to act very well. because of his sincere nature, faking emotions and being dishonest about how he actually feels comes hard to him, and he'll often crack his persona and revert back to being the cheerful, playful young adult he is. he is a pure-hearted individual, who wears his heart on his sleeve, and while perhaps he may be naive in expecting people to take care of it there, he will still display his openess proudly and trust those closest to him to protect it. he is a strong individual, with determination and faith in the better.

sungyeol also shows a very caring nature, particularly towards eunah. while he is very lively and out-there, he is also considerate of the feelings of those around him. he likes to tease, but has a sense of when he is taking himself too far. he doesn't want anyone to actually hate him, so he ends up showing some caution around people like eunah, who are more sensitive and careful. he is a caring individual, and his purity is shown here too, with the way he gets along with people who aren't like him and accepts differences easily.


how you act around each other :
+ alone : you could call it a relationship any other couple would be envious of. when it's just the two of them, it's like all of the fears in eunah disappear, and she becomes very sweet and affectionate. they'll share endless small kisses, are always in contact with one another in some way (unless they're playing games that require one or the other to run away), and speak with petnames and cheesy terms that send them into fits of giggles. eunah becomes like the child she was never able to be, and sungyeol instills within her a playful, lively nature much like his own. they have their fun, reading manga and manhwas together, watching movies, cooking (and miserably failing at that), or just laying together and talking about nothing in particular. even if they end up in silence, it's the comforting kind, and neither feel pressured around the other. ideal basically describes how they are if it's just the two of them. 

+ public : and then their relationship pulls a 180 in public.. in fact calling it a relationship is pushing it. eunah's insecurity and fears about being found out keep them from doing just about anything together when they're around other people. in public, it's down right awkward between the two, since sungyeol doesn't want to test eunah's limits, and eunah's afraid of putting sungyeol's career at jeopardy by being too close, even if they were originally childhood friends, and they're really comfortable when they're alone together. the two in public make a sad sad display -- they're often standing a considerable distance from one another, and eunah will strike up conversation with anyone except sungyeol, who looks like a kicked puppy because he's being ignored. they talk minimally, barely interact, and are just.. kinda pathetic. even so, sometimes sungyeol will sneak a text to eunah, and she'll reply (albeit a little late because she doesn't want anyone to know sungyeol contacted her). the fact that eunah is like this in public was actually a driving factor for sungyeol proposing they come onto the show. he hates that he can't even stand near eunah without her flinching and walking away from him, and her behaviour frustrates him to no end. he's tried many times to tell her it's okay to at least talk to one another, and that they can pretend to be just friends, but she won't listen. she ignores his voice of reason in favour of protecting him as best as she can.

+ friends : they're a lot less awkward around one another when it's just their friends around. since eunah visits the dormitory as often as she can, she's become close enough to the other members of infinite to be more open around them, and none of them truly mind the fact that sungyeol began a relationship (especially since when sungyeol's with eunah he has less time to bother and bully the other members). when it's just them and their friends, eunah is willing to accept a lot of sungyeol's skinship, and is more playful. she won't actually do anything really affectionate, like kissing (not even pecks on the cheek), but things like hugs and holding hands, leaning against one another -- all these things are common when strangers aren't present. sungyeol will give her small kisses on the cheek or head, but never any further, since he knows eunah is a more conservative person. besides, he gets teased by his other members whenever he tries too hard to be cutesy with her and gets pushed away and scolded. eunah will even willingly sit between sungyeol's legs and let him hold her like that when they're just hanging around.

+ around sungyeol's family : eunah and sungyeol are once again a little more reserved with their affections. while it's clear they're a couple, they don't share as much skinship because eunah wants to make sure sungyeol's parents approve of her relationship with their son. she is less playful with sungyeol around them, but still has that kind of soft affection for him. she is very respectful, and her maturity comes out to shine in this situation. since they've known her since she was a small child, she will intereact with daeyeol (sungyeol's younger brother), and speaks easily to sungyeol's parents. sungyeol and eunah will usually hold hands while around one another, and sungyeol likes to whisper sweet nothings to her to make her smile and blush, or even giggle. he wants her to lighten up a bit, but knows she'll take time getting used to the idea that his parents don't think of her any differently from when they loved her as as she was when she was a child, even though now their son has become much more close to her.

+ around eunah's family : all reservation goes aside; in fact it's almost as good being together with eunah's family as it is when they're alone. being that sungyeol used to frequent the bakery with his parents, he already knows eunah's parents and gets along with them, and obviously ahryeong. being much more open than eunah is and a lot more confident, he won't hesitate taking advantage of how comfortable eunah is around her family. he plays up his affection and adores eunah to no end, often making her embarrassed and getting himself scolded, but he can't help himself. eunah doesn't actually mind all the affection he gives when they're around her family since she already knows and trusts her family not to give them away to the public, and that they will always love her and approve of her choices. she has more confidence around them, so she's more willing to be playful as well. it helps that ahryeong was sungyeol's childhood bestie, and whenever the youngest is around, they go wild as a trio after being infected with the cheer and immaturity that is eunah's little sister. for this reason, sungyeol loves visiting the bakery, especially since they can also retreat to eunah's old room, and have some alone time, or go into the kitchens and nibble on pastries together.

+ on the show : because eunah is still nervous and apprehensive about going public, the first time they're on the show, she'll most likely resist any affection from sungyeol, who will try to calm her nerves and try to get her to open up. she's scared, and won't get used to the show until she realizes that sungyeol's career isn't going to be sunk because of her. since he cares so much about eunah, sungyeol will do his best to make her comfortable on the show, and try to settle her nerves. in spite of the fear, eunah will be a little encouraged by other idols also coming clean about their relationships, and build her strength from there. she knows that sungyeol wants her to be able to love him properly in public, so she'll try her best to get used to the show quickly. sungyeol will try to hold her hand a lot, and keep in contact with her so as to give her comfort, and eunah appreciates the effort, even if she won't be able to return it for awhile. even so, both will be very sincere about their feelings for one another, and eunah will not lie about their relationship.







What do you think about being on Secret Lover ? 

- it's a little difficult to articulate. i feel this kind of pressure, and i'm worried. sungyeol's career is on the line here, and i feel like it's my responsibility to take care of his success. appearing here might damage his popularity, and i really didn't want that. in all honesty, i only agreed because he insisted we reveal ourselves. i'm nervous, to say the least. i don't have good feelings about this, but i guess it might just be me being pessimistic. i'm hoping sungyeol will be right, and that this will be a good development for us.


Can you describe your relationship with your boyfriend in  one word ?

- just one word.. i think a good word is liberating. i mean, even though we have kept ourselves secret for so long, when we're alone.. everything just falls into place. i feel very free when sungyeol is with me.


What do you like the best about him ?

- his sincerity, definitely. sungyeol displays his heart on his sleeve. he's always so honest, and pure, and even his faults are all there for others to see and embrace all of him with. i admire his ability to be true to himself, even being an idol with an image to keep. sungyeol compels me to act more true to myself, and less cautious.. i really love that. it is perhaps what i'm most thankful for with him in my life.


Do you see him often ?

- in person, not so much. i certainly visit whenever i can, and he drops by the bakery whenever i'm home for the holidays, but otherwise it's not very easy to see each other. i'm just afraid some netizens or fans will see us together and rumours will start, even though i can't help but try to spend as much time as i could with him. usually though, he's busy with his schedules, and i have my own studies to concentrate on. we do keep in contact though. he frequently texts me, and we call one another late at night, when the rest of the members are asleep and i take a break from studying late.


What annoys you the most about him ?

- oh dear.. this might be treading thin ice but.. his success. i feel so terrible for it though. i'm envious of it. i'm a year older than him, but he is more successful than i could dream of being, and already has his life in order. it doesn't help that he also has many fans that love him and admire him. ahh this really is embarassing. i just don't like it -- that other people love him so much and think of him the way i do. he is my boyfriend, but other people look at him that way.. does this make me possessive? i really don't like this part of me.. please keep this from sungyeol, i wouldn't know what to do if he realized how jealous i am of him and his success.


Are you really in love with him ?

- ah.. well i would like to say so? i mean, we've been dating for so long, and even though it gets really tiring sometimes, i've never felt trapped by our relationship. it's a hardship, and sometimes even a burden, but never a cage. no matter the circumstances sungyeol makes me feel free to choose and free to live. i think that this kind of feeling could be called love, and i know that we have something special. i don't believe i could feel this way otherwise. sungyeol means the world to me.. i only wish i could properly show him this. i fear that my paranoia often gets in the way, and he is too immature to understand it without me being direct. even so, i would like to say i love him.


What did you thought the first time that you met him ?

- the very first time? i thought he was just a cute little boy. i wanted to take care of him -- call it me being motherly i suppose, since i was so used to taking care of ahryeong. he was a nice kid, and he reminded me a lot of my little sister, so i liked him right away. 


Did you know that he was an idol/a trainee ?

- well, by the time we got together, yes. however, when we first saw each other again after all those years, i didn't recognize him at all, and he had to tell me that he became an idol.


Tell us a funny fact about him

- ahh i'm not very good at these things. i mean, isn't sungyeol a funny person in general? i guess i could tell the story behind his nickname, smarties. it first started out being brain king because he won that episode of ranking king, but i didn't think that was a very cute petname.. after all he called me button. so i thought of smarties -- they're kinda like candy buttons, and i always liked the myth that they make you smarter when you eat them. so i started to call him smarties. when i gave him smarties as a present once, he burst out laughing and we ended up throwing them at each other after teasing one another. he gave me buttons as my next present and we had a little battle with those too haha.




What do you think about being on Secret Lover ? 

- it's a relief.. i feel like a burden is being lifted and maybe finally eunah and i will be able to be with each other freely. it's always been such a pain and really hard avoiding each other in public. i want to be what we are when it's just the two of us, everywhere. i'm sure we'll get over this hurdle, and i'm hoping that eunah will finally be able to feel at ease with us being together. she always tries to shoulder things on her own and i know she feels like she's affecting my success, but i want her to see that i couldn't care less. she needs to understand that -- that's what i'm hoping out of this move.


Can you describe your relationship with your girlfriend in  one word ?

- just one? aish i hate that, seriously that's hard! uhh.. /babbling to himself while rubbing his temple/. oh! pure. we have a pure relatoinship.


What do you like the best about her ?

- everything? what's with it that we have to pick just one thing haha? well if it's just one thing, then it's how much she cares. even if it's a pain sometimes because it's also the reason why she's so scared, i really feel so much love from her because i can tell she cares so much about me and she'll always be there for me. she wants to take care of me, and even if i guess she sometimes goes way off her rocker to do so, i know she wants what's best for us, so i still love that about her.


Do you see her often ?

- i try to. i hate it when we have to be apart for so long, i mean we've already spent so many years out of touch. i want to be with her as much as possible and prove to her there's nothing wrong with us being together.


What annoys you the most about her ?

- ugh, easy -- she thinks i'm stupid. well, okay not exactly stupid, just that i can't take care of myself. since she's my noona and she's so motherly, she always thinks she has to protect me or that she knows better than i do about how to live my life. i know that she's just being mature, but sometimes it really makes me feel like she thinks i'm dumb. i know it's not her intent, but it comes off that way. i want to take care of her too, she's my girlfriend! i'm a man, i can handle it.


Are you really in love with her ?

- 100%. i know i liked her a lot as a kid, and all this started out as an elementary puppy crush, but after we spent so many years apart and i still loved her when we met again.. i knew that she had to be the one.


What did you thought the first time that you met her ?

- aish i at this because i'm forgetful.. i think i was just in a daze. she was so just mature and cool, and kind. she was really cute as a kid too, but i think back then i thought she was pretty because we were both young.


Were you scared to date her ?

- terrified. i loved her for so long, but she was always so far away. i realized that she didn't even like me like that when we were children, and it was just.. nervewrecking. in all honesty if myungsoo and sunggyu hadn't gotten so tired of my talking about her and just told me to confess, i don't think i would've.



Tell us a funny fact about her

- she cooks even worse than me! even though she's the daughter of bakers, she can barely cut things with a kitchen knife haha. one time, when we were trying to make cookies together, she tried to open the bag of flour and all the flour dust came up into her face and she was white as a sheet! isn't that adorable haha?







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