
Quick blog before I go to bed but do you guys think it's worth it to advertise? Like I don't have enough karma points but is it worth buying some and then say I win the bid, do you think it's a good ideas???

I'd advertise aquarium if I did win because its prob my fave of what I've written, I got a lot of good feedback and advertising it would be a good way of getting others to see and maybe like it as much as others have :/

Have you ever advertised? Do you think the new subbies truly liked it or just subscribed for the sake of it? People found my fics without me advertising and that makes my subbies special I think, I didn't have to put my fic in their face for them to notice me.

I don't know if this made sense but I need to go to bed, night.


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Yep do it, it's also a way to support the campaign.
I'm still pretty new to AFF so I'm still confused on the whole bidding thing, and since I'm not a fanfic writer (just a reader), I'm not going to be involved in the advertising business. Honestly, you are a great writer so you are worth the attention ^^- it's all up to you! I've read Aquarium and it's a lovely story :)
I know what you mean...
I never really thought about advertising myself (because I sadly don't have a lot of time to work on my fanfiiction lately, eitherway) but if you want to boost it, and I mean you are worth the additional attention you can go and do it. :)