(ATTENTION RP ADMINS) An RP-er whose life was threatened...

I really can't not make a post about this..

I am an admin at an roleplay called 8 bottles of vodka.. This rp used to be a happy place filled with fun and love and healthy relationships.

However, there were these J-rock rp-ers who joined and began making drama. They pushed other characters to cheat on their loved ones and pressured some others to have with them.

Partly due to this and partly due to the general bad reputation with many characters, we changed the policy and no longer allow J-rock rp-ers in our rp.

After this policy changed happened, the rp-ers who we kicked out began to bash the rp and pressure other people to leave (main culprit being Mrs_G-Dragon )

This got so out of hand that after we blocked the J-rock people from our aff page, our facebook rp and everything, they were still hurting people within the rp.

Eventually one of our rp-ers was bullied to the point where she decided to take her own life.

She drank down expired medicine and slit her wrist and was in a coma for around 16-18 hours (if it wasnt for another rp-er who rushed to her on time she would have died)

She is now barely out of the ICU and might still slip back into a coma.

What is so painful and hurtful to me is the fact that the culprit knew about the rp-er's sensitivity and attachment to rps. She knew how she had a dream about killing herself and had been cutting for many years. Yet despite so, the culprit continued to bully her and hurt her. I dont understand why someone like the culprit exists. She is more than twice the rp-er's age and yet act as if she is a child.

Since aff doesn't let us post vulgar words, here is a google docs with the rant

I pray to god that the rp-er will be alright,


ps.. if someone with the user name Mrs_G-Dragon applies for you rp, especially as a j-rocker.. dont accept

pps. please link this blog post so as many people are aware as possible

ppps. the RP-er was fortunate enough to have a good doctor and woke up yesterday afternoon!


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I know this is late but as a vk rper this was recently linked to me when someone found it and they blew up at me just for the fact that I do roleplay as vk idols. I do hope your friend is okay and what those children did was wrong but the fact that they were vk doesn’t mean anything I’ve met other faceclaims that were just as bad. This has basically discriminated against a certain type of faceclaim and everyone who looks for roleplays that cater to this type will see this post. I don’t mean to sound rude, y, or anything negative but would it be possible for you to put this on either friends only or something so it’s not broadcast-ed to everyone looking for a roleplay?
kiko00 #2
THANK GOD SHE WOKE UP !!!!! Wow i hope the best for her and also the bully. Who knows maybe in rl they get so bullied and they take it out on others making themselves feel better. We should just pray for the well beings of both parties. Wub u ;; lmao
Do you have ANY proof, like screenshots or quotes from people directly affected that you don't have an influence over?
This is all really suspicious. K-pop fans will believe anything.
It's roleplay. There are different kinds of roleplay. As soon as the mentally unstable girl saw that she was being personally affected by a ROLEPLAY, she should have gone on hiatus until it blew over. Because, crazily enough, what you've done is create a witch-hunt and a discrimination quota for j-pop/j-rock roleplayers. That was your goal right?
A person below me said that they were friends with the accused roleplayer and had no idea about "this side of them", letting YOU know that the roleplayer is a humane person who made friends and probably isn't bad.
What the coma girl should be doing is getting help. Like serious, psychological help. Because if you're willing to attempt to kill yourself over someone not roleplaying a way you approve of, you have issues.
I don't know the whole story, except for what you've told people. I don't agree with either side, but that girl needs institutional help and I hope she's receiving it now.
That beatch :o
This is so messed up to the point I have nothing to say at all. I pray for the wellbeing of both the roleplay and also for the roleplayer who's been through so much. I hope you're alright and hope everything will rebuild.
OMG, I never thought that RP can be this serious, seriously this culprit needs to get a life
I'd just like to say, I've met a lot of people who get far too attached to rps, and it can be so frustrating when they take something said in rp as being a personal attack. I also don't like drama, nor do I like drama queens that try and turn IC drama into OOC drama. I also don't like how people use hurtful situations against those with a known mental issue. I hope your friend gets better soon, and recovers from this. Rp is meant for an escape when real life turns ty. Let's keep things fun, and calm and all leave the drama behind,
Wow, I'm so sorry to hear about this rper. Though I don't go to rp groups, I am saddened that people have to bully other people online just because the Admins changed the rules. If someone within the group does something that could piss off the Admins, they have every right to change the rules, so that the other rpers can continue their chatting safely. I think this Mrs_G-Dragon is mental, if she starts bullying just because the Admins changed the rules. If she didn't like it, she should've read the rules again. I hope everyone who are friends with her, will not want to be friends when they find out about what she did.

Please, let everyone know how your rper friend is doing. Hopefully she'll be out of the hospital soon.
Wow. And to say that I even made friends with this person.
Honestly, I did so many rps with Mrs_G-Dragon. I didn't know this side of hers.
I sincerely hope that this person gets well soon.

-Got linked to this from a FB rp called Yin/Yang
sakuraninja #10
Oh my god poor girl! I'm glad shes doing fine now and the people who did that to her should just rot in hell. I hope they get what they deserve.
Thank you for sharing this. I will be sure to alert my fellow admins of this person. This is something that could have been avoided but some people are just horrible.
i will not allow that person to join my rp. thank you.
I sympathize with you . But it's already hard as hell for a j-rock rper as it is. And the way you word everything makes it 10 times harder. Me and my friend both rp as Japanese stars and it's hard to get accepted but when you word something that makes it seems like every jrock rpers is sinister it's aggravating. I hope your friend is okay. But the way this whole thing is worded is just closed minded and biased based off of one situation. Now everyone is going to treat jrock rpers even worse.
Zacari #14
Thank God she woke up. I hope she'll make a healthy recovery. I've had my share of trying to take my own life, and the road is very hard, so it's good to know that they have a good doctor.
On another note, I'm really disappointed in the RP-er. I've heard of other RP-ers like the one you mentioned in this blog and they're all disgusting. I try not to hate anyone in this world, but seeing stuff like this happen really hits me hard, even if I didn't know the person who was involved.
Anyway, again I'm glad that you made a blog about this and I'm happy to know that the RP-er is alright.
Thanks for sharing! This is useful. this case is scary. i hope things like this won't happen again. if it does, please share about it to us again. Let's take a good care of our rps well.