Dance Sarang: Song Help

~ Hi again readers! /waves again/ ^^

I'll make this short and sweet.

Would any of you like to suggest a song for Mark and Rhyth's dance?

I seem to be having trouble coming up with a song.

If you read my recent update, Mark brings up the idea of a song with a rap part in it.

That's just one of the qualities the song should have.

So here's what the song should have:

~ Hip Hop

~ Fast paced beat

~ Not slow song

~ Not sad song

~ If you can think of a song that matches their situation.

For example: having a dream, love song, etc...

~ Must have a rap part (The song shouldn't be mostly or all rap, just a small part of the song)

If you happen to read this blog post and you don't read my story, you're welcome to recommend me a song too.

When you recommend me a song, please include the following:

~ Username (If I do happen to choose your song, I'll credit you at the bottom of the chapter)

~ Song Title (If it's in Korean, translate it to English)

~ Singer(s) (If the song is featuring someone, include that person too)

~ Link to song (optional)

I'll listen to as much of the song as I can.

Just a reminder, the song doesn't have to be kpop. English is fine too. 

You can recommend me a song through PM, commenting on my wall, commenting below, or commenting on "Dance Sarang".

Thanks everyone! I had fun writing "Dance Sarang".

I hope you all enjoyed my story! ^^



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Crooked Smile - J. Cole or Crazy by NeYo. Both have raps and vocal with great meaning. I've danced to both myself and the beat it cool. You could also check out the song... I should have kissed you by Chris Brown. It's harder to dance to as the beat gets faster throughout parts of the song. ChaChi did a dance for the song... Check it out^^ hope I helped somehow.
Cvang13 #2
Go and search up on youtube ' I.aM.mE Presents | BANG '
Or search Bang by KP ft. Lost Generation.
Cvang13 #3
10 rounds by Dumbfounddead (DFD)
I just like the choreography for that one ^^
Wet the bed by Chris Brown but choreographed by Brian Puspos
Waffle_Berry #4
- Soyou feat Junggigo- Some
This Instant- Sofia Fresh ft. T-Pain
Let Me C It- Get Cool ft. Petey Pablo
Not sure bout this one but, Church- T-Pain
the first song that pops to my head is Warrior haha ^^