✷ to infinity & beyond ∞ hwang chae ri ¦ cherry



britboowuvshinee ¦ louis ¦ 9/10l


"what is your catch phrase? what do people identify and recognize you the most by? what kind of stage image do you want?"
[ answer in a first-pov interview style of your character. a few sentences to answer the questions should suffice. add actions (but please differentiate them from what your character says). change the picture to a 80px x 80px picture of your character. ]
"what do you think of your scandal? how did your previous company react to it? do you think it will affect you in the future?"
[ answer in a first-pov interview style of your character. a few sentences to answer the questions should suffice. add actions (but please differentiate them from what your character says). change the picture to a 80px x 80px picture of your character. ]
"how are you hoping to improve your image? are you glad to have the opportunity to be an idol again? what are you feelings about it?"
[ answer in a first-pov interview style of your character. a few sentences to answer the questions should suffice. add actions (but please differentiate them from what your character says). change the picture to a 80px x 80px picture of your character. ]
full name. Hwang ChaeRi
nickname(s). [ who named them and why ]
gender. Female
age. 22
birthplace/hometown. [ can be the same or different ]
ethnicity/nationality. [ ethnicity = race, nationality = country; can also be the same or different ]
language(s). [ maximum is 5; cannot be fluent in all ]
stage name(s). Cherry
stage persona. Sultry 
position. Lead Vocals/Main Dancer
back-up positionMain Rapper/Lead Dancer
fanclub name. [ make it related to their stage name ]
fanclub color. [ give us the color hex ]
face claim. Jin Jin
back-up face claim. Yu Ha Na
height/weight. [ make it reasonable for their bmi ]
blood type. [ does not have to correlate with their personality ]
description. [ anything different from the chosen face claim, anything extra such as tattoos, scars, different hair style/color, etc ]
"usually for airport fashion or just for practicing or in the dorms. also when they want to blend in."
[ a short or few sentence description of your character's style and what they wear for each of the situations. change the picture to a 80px x 80px picture of your character. ]
"how they usually appear on stage, in music videos, and things that separate them from others in the group."
[ a short or few sentence description of your character's style and what they wear for each of the situations. change the picture to a 80px x 80px picture of your character. ]
"red carpet events, trying to impress potential parent-in-laws, business-like or casual - don't fail to impress."
[ a short or few sentence description of your character's style and what they wear for each of the situations. change the picture to a 80px x 80px picture of your character. ]
key traits. [ list at least 6 key traits of their personality ]

in-depth personality. [ must be at least 3 paragraphs, two key traits per paragraph will work fine. bold the key traits in the paragraphs ]
likes. [ at least 5 per category, list explanations/details afterwards. copy and paste as needed. ]
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
dislikes[ at least 5 per category, list explanations/details afterwards. copy and paste as needed. ]
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
fears[ at least 5 per category, list explanations/details afterwards. copy and paste as needed. ]
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
hobbies[ at least 5 per category, list explanations/details afterwards. copy and paste as needed. ]
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
habits[ at least 5 per category, list explanations/details afterwards. copy and paste as needed. ]
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
[ at least 5 per category, list explanations/details afterwards. copy and paste as needed. can include social media accounts here too.]
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
¤ topic ¦ explanation
background. [ at least 3 paragraphs; explain the character's background up until the scandal ]

scandal. [ at least 2 paragraphs; explain as much as possible with as much detail about the scandal, the fall out, how the company reacted, what happened to them afterwards, how they were recruited/found/got into ZC Entertainment. the more details, the better and don't be afraid to make it a very morally terrible scandal if you want to. the bigger and more publicity it gets, the better. ]
family. [ only list those you want in the story. do not put excessive relations with idols, especially as family. copy and paste the format below for relations. ]
¤ name ¦ relation ¦ age ¦ relationship with character
friends[ only list those you want in the story. do not put excessive relations with idols. copy and paste the format below for relations. ]
¤ name ¦ relation ¦ age ¦ relationship with character
enemies/rivals[ only list those you want in the story. do not put excessive relations with idols. copy and paste the format below for relations. ]
¤ name ¦ relation ¦ age ¦ relationship with character
love interest name and group. [ if applying for a male position, put n/a for this entire section, change the picture to a 80px x 80px picture of your character's love interest. ]

back-up love interest. [ can be from the same group as the main love interest. ]
personality. [ at least 1 paragraph, just the gist of it is fine ]
relationship/background. [ must be at least 2 paragraphs; extremely important to have it match with the girl's plotline. interactions, how they got together, how they act then and now before and after the scandal, and any other details you can add in. ]
comments/questions. This story sounds like it's going to be great and i'm too excited for this! Even though it said I didn't have to fill out the rap-twin, I filled it out anyway for her back-up position ^_^!
suggestions. [ song suggestions, show suggestions, anything you would for them to be featured on; music shows like music core, inki, etc. ]
scene requests. [ even just a few to work with would be very much appreciated~ ]
coded & designed by holistic from syncratic designs.




[ ] SOURCE CODE: used the source code for this app form
[ ] TITLE:  used ' ✷ to infinity & beyond ∞ character name ¦ stage name ' for the title of the app
[ ] NEW PARAGRAPHS: used [shift] + [enter] to make new paragraphs
[ ] BRACKETS: deleted all of the brackets
[ ] PICTURES: replaced the pictures with 80px x 80px pictures of your character for all but one of the anonymous tumblr icons
[ ] INFORMATION: every section is filled out
[ ] PUBLIC APP: the app is set to public (no friends-only or private)

[ ] TURN-IN: turned in the app to the correct place
[ ] DELETE: deleted this checklist after everything has been completed!



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