Loveless form


Character name : Ogg Jae Ri

Nickname(s) : Riri, bookworm

Age :17 y.o. 

Date of birth : 14/03/94

Height : 1.65 

Weight : 46 kg

Place of Birth : Seoul-Korea

Ethnicity :  Korean/Chinese

Personality :A silent girl she's too shy to speak when you first meet her but if you smiled at her and start a conversation she starts to talk talk talk, she is always biting her lip and avoiding guys eyes because she get nervous when a guy stared at her(she starts sweating), she is also a Smily girl and always making aegyos(she so good making it) .

Position(s) :

- rapper / aegyo queen 

Fanclub : RiRings


Likes : ( 3-6 anything, sweets, movies...etc. etc.)

-Spicy food.



-Bubble tea.

-Video games.


Dislikes : (3-6 anything, Bugs, Coffe...etc. etc.)


-Cholate(she's allergic)

-Play boys.


-Too girly girls.

-Too Noisy people.

Fear(s) : ( As much as you like)


-Not be good enough at rapping.

Hobbie(s) : (3-6 anything, taekwondo, dancing...etc. etc.)



-Video games.



Other talent(s) : ( as much as you like )

-Play the violin.


Ideal type : ( dimples with eyesmile...etc.etc.)

A funny guys with a killer smile, he have to be kind but rude sometimes.

Favourite colour(s) :



Family Background : she has a rich family, her mother is from China she's a designer of Vogue and her father is from Korea he's a business man he has business around the globe, for the jobs of her parents she doesn't see them very often for that reason she is not attached to them. She has not siblings

.Parent(s) : 

-Xiah Jeinxi: 45 years old from China, she's a workahollic all the time she is designing for Vogue, she is almost all the time in China because she works for Vogue China.

-Ogg Pyu Sun: 46 years old fron Korea. He's a workahollic too but he is worst, Jaeri almost never see him because he is always out of the contry.



Describe Appearance : ( e.g. she's cute with rsy lips and porcelain skin)

She's very very cute, she has bigs brown eyes and chubby cheeks.

Links : (3+ of how you look)

Ulzzang Name : Pony

Eye colour : Brown-Cholate.

Hair colour : Brown

Casual : ( 3+ links)

Fomal : (3+ links)

Practice : (3+ links) : (3+ but not neccesary)



Partner : ( 3 - list them from 1 to 3, from Infinite-B1A4-MYName-Boyfriend-Block B)



- L

Relationship : (all 3- love-hate, lovey dovey, friends with benefits...etc.etc.)

-She thinks that is cute and very kind but also he's just a friend.

-She is in love with Kwangmin but she has not the courage to tell him her fellings.

-She  doesn't know if she likes him because he's a bipolar and she hates that.

Who you end up with : With  Kwangmin

Rival : Luna (Fx)

Why their your rival : Luna always make grins when see Jae Ri and she thinks that Jae ri is a dumb for being an Aegyo Queen

Best friend(s) :

-Someone of Loveless

how you became bestfriend(s) : When we were training,  and Luna came to our training and shouted at Jaeri,she was to cry, but (The bestfriend) shouted at Luna and hugged you,she's my beast friend


Password :YumYumCandy981

anything else? :



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kpopXbabezZ #1
is it ok if I put u as a soloist? or sub group?
Gracia #2
Thanks :)
kpopXbabezZ #3
wow i'm impressed!! ^^