Kpop Questions, stolen from Taylabunny

1)What is your favourite song right now?:
 Jay Park-Metronome & Eddy Kim-It's over

2)Who is your Ultimate Bias?:
OnJongTae & N

3)Who is your Ultimate Bias Group?:

4)If you were a KPOP STAR who would you be?:
I wouldn't. I would be me?

5)Who in KPOP do you dislike the most?: 

I don't hate anyone. I use to dislike SNSD but I got over that because it was childish of me. They are beautiful girls with a couple good songs. xD

6)If your Idols Car broke down in front of your house and they knocked on YOUR door, What would you do?:
Probably have a slight panick attack. Once I gain my bearings, I would someone to fix the car while I talked with them. xD 

7)What is your Ultimate Ship? 
Uhm...Jongtae ;D

8)If you were able to meet anyone, who would it be?

9) What is your KPOP word right now? e.g. Kkaepsong.

10) Today is the 1 year anniversary you ultimate bias group....What do you do? *Check the box*

[ x] Sit at home watching old videos of their 
[ ] Cry while looking a pictures of them

 -Watching their M/V's over and over to get the more views
 - Tweet about their anniversary
 - Make memes about the anniversary

[] Throw an actual party for them and invite heaps of fans that are your friends.


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