10/06/14: Random Question? (^。^)

Okay so its roughly 4am and I'm still awake :( but since 2:40am I've beeen playing around with the idea of a prompt page and have almost a page full already with prompts (some with pairing suggestions and some without) and I was just wondering is this actually a helpful thing to have?

I don't mind if it was a waste of time since it was a fun distraction but I'm curious if its useful now I have it (^ᴗ^)

If anyone can shed some light on this I would be very grateful


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Personally I think prompt pages can be really helpful, especially if you find yourself stuck at some point, you have all these little ideas laid out waiting to be written! So yeah, a prompt page can be an awesome thing to have :) It's also nice to look back on it after a while and see if there are any prompts you haven't used because who knows, maybe the ones you might not be so sure about now will come in handy later on.
Prompt pages are a good thing, that's what I think anyway. I hope this helped somehow!! <33