My dear friends and Family...

Everyone here must have something happen that made you sad in your entire life.Well,I have two things that made me sad...

1) My friends

I really did miss my best friends...I miss my old friends on my old school...I know this may be a bit confuse but here,my story starts...
Actually,I don't really like my new friends at my new school cause they like to gossips,scold and also tease other people even though it was none of their business...My new friends have very bad tempers and they would delete each other's phone number when they fight...Also,they would write bad things about others on twitter,Facebook,instargram and others...Well,since I am very open hearted to all my friends,they didn't even fight with me once and I'm so thankful for that...Still,I miss my old school's friends because before I went to my new school,a very sad scene happen in front of me...
Well,before I want to tell about that,I wanted to tell you all about the memories that I spent with my friends that I still remember...
Well,the first day I went to my old school,I had short hair and I'm so shy to introduce myself so,everyone doesn't like to talk or speak with me.I was always alone on school but until one day,when I am doing my homework while everyone went to recess,a girl with long black hair walk toward me and introduce herself.Then,we became best friends...We do all things together such as we always laugh together,partner together,recess together and also cheer up each other...I am a person who keeps all my trouble and problems in my heart and I don't like to tell any of my family or friends...Sometimes,the teachers will scold me if I didn't finish my homework or didn't bring my book so,I was very sad and I stay on the class alone while the others went to recess.Then,my best friend came and cheer me up with her smile.Her smile always make my world bright and not gloomy.She also introduce me to her friends and gave me courage.Wait!!...Did i mention that she was a good singer??..She has a nice voice and she joins in many competition and will get the champion...Until one day,my  father says that me and my two sisters have to change school to accompany my family so,we have no choice but to change our school."Won't you be sad or miss your friends when you change school??" my mother ask."Well,no" I reply but in my heart,I will always miss her.Before a few days that I have change school,my friend says,"Carwey,how I wish you have long hair same like me so that we can be twins!!" she said.Well,because many people said we look like twins because we always do things together.Then,I always remember this even though i have change my school.Yes,indeed because of her,I really left my hair long and I can even tie pony tail now.Then,when the day that I have change school came,my father and my sister came to pick me up.But,can't you believe it??...My friends actually kneel in front of my and cry,begging me,don't go...Actually,this is my first time telling people these things and I felt happy that I can tell someone about this although you all may thought this is boring...But,this is a very sad thing for me and I know some of you wouldn't understand this feeling but if this scene really happen in front of you,I bet you will cry with them too...So do I...Actually,i have kept these things in my heart for a long time and i wouldn't tell anyone about it because it makes me cry.My best friends that I would not forget,I love you all and also,the last thing I wanted to tell them,....I Miss You:(
2) My family
Recently,a sad thing happen to me too...My grandmother's sister's husband...Passed Away...Although you all may not understand this but my family always pray for him on the temple because we are Chinese and my mother even cry when she is kneeling in front of our god,Buddha while saying the prayers word.My sister notice that when my mother is praying,she is crying.We pray for his health and we always hope that he can get well soon.Well,maybe the doctors are not professional because they always says he will get well soon but the hospital fee now increases to RM 130,000 something...Well,we're trying hard to help my grandmother's sister's family to pay the fee.Now,the people is gone and how do we have to pay that much money??...
You all may not understand but these two scene is very very sad for me...I really don't know how will my family and me solve it...


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omg,i can understand your feeling bcuse the same happend with me when i left my old school,dont worry my dear iknow you will have agreat friendship bcuse your wonderful girl&about your family iwill pray to god to help your family just please dont be sad