I'm picking up my pen again. + Help?

Hello, solstice here. 

I realize I've been gone for a very long long time. A lot of things have happened in my life and finding time to just sit here and write was becoming scarce to find. But the good news is - I have time again. Things have sort of died down (happily so) and thus I'll be balancing my time betweens the roleplays I admin in and the fanfictions I'm currently writing. It will take some time for the first update to be posted though - however after that it should be steady since I'm considering writing it down about 3/4 of the way before actually posting them. 

In other news. I need opinions. 

If you know anything about me as a person or a writer - music influences me. The way a piece of music flows, the underlying tone of it, the lyrics and all the meanings behind them are inspirational to me. I live by music, and at work (because I work in a warehouse) I'm allowed to listen to my music player. I can't tell you how many times I've heard a song and instantly thinking of a plot, the characters. So I wanted to ask you guys. If I did a series consisting of primarily one shots (they'd be considerably long) based off of putting my itunes on shuffle or suggestions from the readers - would anybody be interested in reading them?

This gives me a chance to cover a wide variety of idols, groups, songs, genres and tones. 

I would like to I think, but I'm unsure. 

Thus why I need your opinions. 

So please comment below, thank you. 


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