Colossalcon was a success!!

Hello everyone!! It's been a while since I've been on here. I have been busy putting together my cosplays and whatnot. I just got home from Kalahari for Colossalcon13. It was me and my friend's first con and wow was it so much fun! It was Thursday to Sunday but we only went Friday to Sunday. Sadly I missed the BJD (Ball Jointed Doll) panel on Thursday but the few panels we did go to were a blast! We went to the Kingdom Hearts Theories panel since I was cosplaying as Kairi from KH2. They were trying to explain the whole "Time Travel" Theory and wow did everyone in the room have a major headache at the end! We also went to a Teen Titans panel since that is literally my all time, top favorite, has the special spot in heart, nothing will ever come close to my love, show. hahaha seriously though guys, Teen Titans is basically my whole life. More than video games, more than fan fics, more than kpop or jrock. It's ridiculous but who cares. That was fun, the girl pretty much just explained everything about the show and the refrences to the comics. We also went to a few comedy panels and stuff too. There were a few fanfic panels that I really wanted to go to but my friend didn't want to go so we didn't sadly. There were a bunch of panels that I wanted to go to but my friend didn't want to, but oh well.

Originally I wanted to be Kairi all three days since she's my favorite. I was also debating on cosplaying Tokyo Mew Mew or even Robin from Teen Titans because as I stated before, Teen Titans is my life and Robin is my number one crush, real or not. But my friend wanted to cosplay as Shego from Kim Possible so we decided to do two cosplays.

My friend was a Princess Jasmine Sailor Scout and I cosplayed as Kairi from Kingdom Hearts2 and man were there a lot of KH cosplayers, as expected. There were a crap ton of Roxas, like more than Sora. That was a little strange. And there were quite a few Kairi's as well. There was another girl who I thought looked a lot cuter than me but hey it was fun telling each other what we liked about our cosplays. There was an awesome girl who cosplayed as Sora and holy crap she looked and acted JUST LIKE HIM it was amazing! I was using my older friend's keyblade and I was carrying around my heartless plushie pretending it was Sora hehehe It was fun being one of my favorite people.

The second day my friend was Shego and I was Kim Possible. Sadly there were more Kim's than I thought there would be. But because no one ever cosplays as Shego everyone wanted pictures of her and I was just kinda there. I was excited that people were happy we cosplayed as them but since there were more Kim's that day I kinda felt a little upset. It was still fun anyways, but everyone was like "Shego can I get a picture!!" and I would just awkwardly be next to her in the picture because they only wanted her. But oh well, I can't complain.....

And I lied, my biggest complaint that really pisses me off regardless of where I am or what I'm doing. My friend was on her phone THE WHOLE FREAKIN TIME. She wasn't just checking up on social medias or looking at pictures or stuff. No, just guess what she was doing. TEXTING HER BOYFRIEND CONSTANTLY. Now I have a reason as to why I don't like her with him and I'm not going to get into it and make this post longer than it needs to be, but really. I understand if you are away from your love and might miss him (or her, I don't judge). I also don't mind if you text or call them just to check up on each other or whatever. But she was literally talking to him the whole weekend. During all the panels she would be on her phone and then make me explain what was going on because she wasn't paying attention and missed everything. It just made me feel like she should have just went with her boyfriend instead of me. Again, I'm not against or bashing anyone who talks to their love while away from them. Not going to lie, if I loved anyone I would probably do the same. But if you're somewhere like a con with your "supposedly best friend" have some respect and actually give your time to your best friend and not your boyfriend. If your boyfriend (or girlfriend) can't let you go a few days without talking to you, there is something wrong.

Okay okay I'm done ranting. Sorry about the long blog post. I'm just summing up my weekend in case anyone would like to care. Have you guys ever been to con and cosplayed?? It's a lot of fun!!! Hopefully next year I'll be able to cosplay as cooler people and have really cool costumes!



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Tatia98 #1
Really cosplay!!ha i love Jinx of Teen Titans and also Tokyo Mew mew!
I wanna see your pics in Kairi's character!!
Im sure you've had so much fun!!
And please don't disappear like this again!