Here goes my ranting again...

So guys.. I'm here with another round of ranting, and yeah, it'll be about the copy-paste system of newly opened review shops.


I'll start now.

Seriously, this issue seems to make my mood worse. First of all, I have a lot of exams tomorrow, yet I'm here, doing my best to update my stories and do a bit or reviewing or something.

I was stalking some newly opened shops and I found out that there were some more shops who copied or made their shop's system as similar as mine, and this time, it saddened me as it was really similar, but at the same time, it made me a bit overwhelmed since maybe they copied some of the shop's styles since it's good right?

So yeah. I stumbled upon a shop with nearly the same as my shop's system. It had the same feature as Mental Breakdown Reviews', which is the "Hall of Fame," although he/she named it as "Walk of Fame." The shop's rubric was almost the same as MTBD is too, but that's quite understandable since most of the rubrics for review shops are mostly the same.

Well, I don't know how I should feel about this. I mean, this is just a review shop after all, and it's just the shop's system that they based it with, but yeah, somehow, I felt the need to react the this one.

I'm sorry if I sound harsh, mean and bitter to some of you.
I don't intent to have any issues with anyone here, it's just that originality is very important for me, even if it's just for review shops.
I really really did my best for those features. I had a hard time brain-storming just to make my shop more unique than anyone else's.

So sorry. For the admin of that shop, sorry, although I doubt you'll read this, but still, sorry.

This is so lame.
I'll go now since I have some reviewing to do.


P.S. MTBD's pending requests will probably be finished for about 2 weeks, so please wait patiently. Most of us are busy, and one-eight of the current staff are planning on quitting after the current batch officially finished down, so yeah, if you happen to be interested in becoming one of MTBD's staff/reviewer, please visit the shop and fill up the form. The form's link can be found on the main page. Just go to the shop and you'll see it, I swear. :)


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it's quite normal for you to feel like that.
it just means that you really have a role-model kind of review shop that others copy it[?]
well that sounded a bit wrong but yeah.
I'm sorry to hear that!
I'm the same with originality, especially if I tried really hard to make it unique. You can maybe privately message them about the similarity between both of your review shops. They might change theirs.
Well, good luck on your exams! I have mine coming up soon, too! :)
Try not to let the review shops get to you too much! Try to think of it like they love your layout so much that they decided to make a similar one.