uality in our society

What do you think of same relationships? Why? I'm terribly confused and hurt at the things my loved ones feel on this subject... Their arguments are all based on religion... I think I may be biual, but I'm not sure. I really want to hear your opinion on this issue


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musiclover16 #1
I would say, its fine, as long as it won't be a harm in the society, its totaly fine. In fact, some 3rd gender, had a good contribution in our society. ^^
its just that their are some people who stick to what they believe, thats why they dont accept same relationship. Those people who already close their minds to the things they've thought to, how life it should be, when in fact today, on 21st century, everything is possible, if only they opened their mind to that possibilities.
Hope those people open their minds someday. ^^
Haha yeah. There r many issues regarding that.. i also feel u..
you and i are in the same situation. gaaah.
Sigh... this is just... I have so much to say about this... but I'm too tired...

You know I'm gay right? Anyway I'm here if you wanna talk.
most religions DO oppose any 'deviance' of uality. but other cultures/non-religious societies don't consider it deviant at all!
i'm totally fine with it. i have 'deviated' back and forth over the years. starting out as what society calls the norm ('straight'), then using the term 'bi' because it seemed to fit the most, but then i realized it wasn't right. i fall for PEOPLE, not their gender, necessarily. so then i discovered the term 'panual' (meaning attractions across all genders, even aual, transgender, etc). i thought it fit me much better. then i lost interest in men completely (so, gay/lesbian/queer), and recently this year, *some* particular men in kpop seemed to spark my interest again. so now i suppose i would guess i'm panual again!? i don't even know. some say that uality is a fluid thing, which means it's perfectly ok for your interests, attractions, orientation to change throughout your life. some people of course only like what they like and never try anything else, or have any interest to at all, and that's okay too.

in any case, from are accepted whether you decide you are bi, or anything else *hug*