Paper Plane

To readers of Paper Plane, I just uploaded the last chapter. I'm pretty sure I added the majority of my subscribers as friends, so here is the full authors note.

Paper Plane started out as a simple project. I wasn't sure where I was going, if I was going anywhere at all with it. It was just something new, because I'd never wrote anything that focused on two male characters. The story started as me writing about a true friendship that knew no limits. Both Sehun and Luhan had hard lives - but they weren't the typical 'I was abused/bullied' characters. They were characters who had problems out of their control - they couldn't just move to another city and start again. They had to live with their problems and learn how to cope, and I think, together, Luhan and Sehun managed to accept who they were.

My friendships have always been kind of choppy. I'm not good at voicing my opinions or saying the things I want to say - hence why Sehun was mute. I wanted someone who didn't have a voice - much like I didn't have one - but learn that that was okay. You're more than a voice.

Luhan was sort of the personification of my loneliness and unfamiliarity with people. He had been cooped up his whole life - I like to stay away from people. While the reasons are different, the both of us have experienced loneliness. 

But I think that through writing (not only Paper Plane) I've been able to voice my opinions and get past my loneliness. I've made friends, touched them with the thoughts in my head and hopefully given them an insight to my life. Without all of you readers, I would never have been able to do this. You're all a part of my writing, every one of you, and as I'm writing, proofing and uploading I always think of the people who will read and I hope that each new chapter gives a new meaning to the characters and their struggles.

Thank you, each and everyone of you, for reading my word vomit. 


And don't think I didn't see you, sneaky unsubscriber who only unsubscribed because I marked the story as complete -_-


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i absolutely loved Paper Planes, thank you for writing it! <3