I'm Obsessed

So recently I've gotten into 'The Return of Superman' on KBS and I'm being into the fandom

But I also have a few comments

Like I understand that if one child/family is more popular in Korea, it would be logical to give them more screen time. But they should be aware that they also have an international audience now, and we are all asking for equal appearances. Don't get me wrong, Sarang is a sweetheart and Haru is just adorable, but I'd like to see more of the twins, as well as Junu and Junseo. Maybe Junu and Junseo aren't shown much because they're more  mature compared to the other children, but we also want to see more of them. Perhaps Sarang or Haru could get a little less screen time...? And Yakkung is still fresh on the show, so I understand if he doesn't appear much yet. I do hope that they show more of him because that boy is a ball of sunshine.

And I know I'm not one to comment on how parents raise their kids but I feel like Sunghoon spoils Sarang too much. She might end up being selfish or greedy when she grows up, so I hope Shiho can have another baby so that Sarang can learn how to be more responsible and generous. 

Wow lol I don't even think anyone would read but whatever I had to get this out...


(That bear song Sarang sang in Ep 24 is stuck in my head wow ok)


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