So, I bought Skool Luv Affair Special Addition about like last week and I got V's pc AGAIN. I already have 3 of his pc -_- Well, my bias is Jimin and i also heard that a lucky ARMY, Jimin biased got 3 JIMIN PCS IN ONE ALBUM. Almost died TTATT She must be so lucky. BUT THEN, I founded someone who wants to trade her Jimin's pc with mine. AND I WAS LIKE, FSJFHAKFHAFAHUFHEUE. I never get my biases' pc when I buy albums, NEVER, and Ive bought so many of them~ LET ME REST IN PEACE NOW TTTATTT btw, the album was really adorable :3 The photobook and dvds though!!! AND ALSO BEAUTIFUL AND ADULT CHILD DANCE PRACTICE. JIMIN LOOKS SO HOT WITH THOSE SLEVELESS SHIRT AND SHORT PANTS TTAT // AND JHOPE WAS FAKING CUTE WHEN HE ACT LIKE HE'S CRYING TAT Well, I fangirled RapMon too these days ._. He's too adorable although he's scary but he still have his cute senses though X)) Jin, Suga n RapMon looks like triple cute ducklings walking happily in adult child's dance practice :3 I dream with Bangtan so many times these days .-. Just dream yesterday that JHope and I fall in love xD 1st BTS' anniversary coming!! *-* Cant wait for the events although I cant participate xD Waiting for fancams and fanbase pic update TTAT >International fans< My babys' growing up too well, theyre so adorable TTATT I CANT UF ENUF UGH I HATE U UGH UGH~ 


Its holiday now, and I still didnt update my one and only fanfic lol, well, its in progress. Thanks for the subs amd comments lol~ Kinda sad, I got my exam results and I got B for Maths TTuT It never happened before though~


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