If he likes you...

Hey guys!  I'm back with a short snipet of my life...and it involves three guys...

This will get confusing so I will have "Guy 1", "Guy 2", and "Guy 3", so that you can keep track of who is who.


Guy 1

This guy goes to my school, and in 6th grade I had one of the biggest crush on him...but then as 7th, 8th, 9th grade passed by, I stopped liking him.

But now in 10th grade, we have half of our classes together...which is like 4 classes.  And ever since April, we've been talking a lot and he even teases me...more than he does with his other friends that are girls.  I could list you examples, but I'll do that in another blog post.


Guy 2

This guy I know through youth symphony.  I guess we kind of met through my little brother...whom this guy is a mentor for.  We exchanged phone numbers and Facebook....but I found out that he does like me...but I kindly said "no" since I didn't like him that much to date him.  But I don't know if he's busy or what...but he's not really talking to me anymore.  But, whatever...I'll tell you more along the way


Guy 3

He is also from my youth symphony.  But, he is better looking that "Guy 2"...he likes to joke and lie to me about himself...and surprisingly, he knows my name even though we never talked before.  But now, we do talk...but youth symphony ended so we don't really keep in touch...but I know next season that we will...hahaha!!!  He hugged me good-bye at our last concert ;)



But I am a very confused girl right now...I know that I already said "no" to "Guy 2"...but what about "Guy 1" and "Guy 3"?  asdfghjkl;  Help me pleaseee!!!!  


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well....i know we don't know the whole thing but judging by what you've said I don't think guy 3 sees you as more than a friend, so that being said guy 1 would be a good choice. However, you also have to consider that perhaps he doesn't like you in that way either AND that if you two do start something it may end the great friendship that you already have. It's up to you, but out of the two guy 1 sounds the best.
maybe ermm... guy number 1? I have a friend who's like that too... and i'm in the same situation as you... omg i dont even know what i'm feeeeling...
Well, don't jump to conclusions. It might just hurt you later. But what matters most here, is who do YOU like? Guy 1 or Guy 3? I think it'd be easier to deal with the sitch. once you sort your feelings out. Good luck~
Guy 1: I have two guyfriends like him >< Ones a flirt while the other's a player OTL
He //could// be flirting with you. idk when people are flirting with me since I'm oblivious to those types of things.

Guy 3: He could just want to be friends with you/want to know you better. Hugging doesn't necessarily mean a guy likes you. (If that was the case, then Scott would like every (girl) friend he hugged).
Honestly I would pick #1 unless you find out/know more about #3