❝ZODIAC❞ ▬ Jung Yeonhae ▬ Aries

username: -babychu
nickname: hani juseyo~
activeness: 8 out of 10
415 x 400
CHARACTER NAME: Jung Yeonhae 정연해

OTHER NAMES: Tsubasa Airi - her japanese name


→ Hay/Hae - Her friends and the call her this instead of Yeonhae since it's too long for her
→ Yeonnie - More to a pampered nickname that was made by her family
→ HayJumma - Her fans call her this because of her outdated knowledge in devices
→ ChatterboxHay - Her fans make this nickname for her because she talks a lot
→ ByunHae - This was only used by her friends when her erted mind slipped off

BIRTHDAY + AGE - March 15th 1993 + 21 years old

BIRTHPLACE + HOMETOWN - Haeundae, Busan, South Korea (1993~2007)
Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea (2007~present)

ETHNICITY - South Korean

HEIGHT - 46 kg

WEIGHT - 162 cm


LANGUAGES - Korean (fluent) - Japanese (basic)

416 x 310
Face Claim
song ahri
416 x 310
back up Face Claim
kim shinbi


Hay is one of the outgoing and talkative one. She's the type of person who can get along with everyone and anyone pretty quickly. She talks a lot, yet her chatter never bores anyone. She's not afraid to talk to new people as she treats others well. She actually likes making friends and meeting new people a lot. Some people are comfortable with her because of the outgoing aura that she gave out. Hay usually has troubles on sitting still. She's too loud and active to sit. She'll always seen to walk around and never stay quiet. Well, quiet types doesn't go well with her. Though Hay is always joking around, she's also hard-working in training and achieving whatever she wants.
She's impulsive, in a way that she never thinks twice when she does something. She never says no when people ask her to accompany them to places, or asking her to join clubs and societies or try new things. If you suddenly ask her to go sky diving with you the night before, she'll definitely say yes. She has the carefree style, that she will do just anything even destroy her image for the group. She acts before thinking, which puts the group in trouble sometimes. She'll only realize her wrong doings when the members point it out - she's not that sharp. Hay has this blunt side where she'll says what she thinks in her mind, even if it might be offensive. She also has erted-mind despite of her innocent face. That's why she get along with the boys rather than the girls. Talk harsh words to her, then this bad-mouthed girl will pay you double. Swearing is her old habit but she might can control it, for now.
During on stage, Hay is not afraid of pulling different side of her. She can be y and charming without any troubles. She likes to be the center and always show her best. At interviews, she acted like herself. She joked around and talked non-stop. Same goes to variety or reality shows. She had the ability to make the audiences laugh and can converse well. During off stage, she's just the same good, bad and on stage Hay.



This girl was born on 15th March 1993 in Haeundae, Busan, South Korea. Her parents are Jung Seokmin, a 45 years old architect and Kim Hyomin, a retired underground rapper. She has two older brothers named Jung Minhyuk (24) & Jung Daehwan (23). Both of her brothers and parents always spoiled her since she's the youngest out of all.

During her childhood days, she used to wander around with her mother's permission, of course. Most of her neighbors know her since she's well known as a good child. One day, Hay accidentally saw her mother's photos as a rapper. She asked her mother why she's holding (a mic) & wearing things like that so her mother told her about her past. She even gave her watch her rapping and hence that was the first time she's involved in musics.

She began to learn about rapping privately from her mother. As a child, it's surprising to see that she's good at it. Well of course it comes from her mother. Her mother didn't really expect it but is happy to know that her daughter enjoyed singing. Hay started to listen some korean musics and her favorite is R&B. After years, she felt attracted to singing. Secretly without her mother knowing, she learned it. But unfortunately she got no talent. Feeling very frustrated, she practiced it everyday and it did improved day by day.

In 2007, she moved to Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea because of her father's work. It was quite better and she adapted to it fastly. She's very popular in her school too, by looks not education to be honest. Since Hay wanted to pursue her career as an idol, she took dancing class. You know, dancing is also needed. She took the class for 1 year and enjoyed it to the fullest. At first, she had some problems on adapting it but after some hardworking days, she's able do to well. She learned some extra moves from her cheoreographer brother, Daehwan too. When she felt that she's ready for the idol life, she neglected her school works, well she's not interested in them and auditioned. Her friends thought she's crazy since she's still young, 16 years old. She went to countless auditions but then rejected. And the final was Cyrano Ent. She covered the song Even It Is Hateful Again by Nam Jin. They were amazed of her looks, youthfulness & raw talents so they took her in. She realized she can did a lot of things too when she's training with them. So they told her to discover her talents first before debuting so she did. For 5 years she trained, and now her hard work paid off. All she cares is how the nation looks at Zodiac and wish they will be a success.



Father || Jung Seokmin || 45 || Architect || Easygoing, funny & creative || Daddy's girl but Seokmin doesn't really have a lot of time to spend times with his family.

Mother || Kim Hyomin || 44 || Housewife || Protective, loving, & warm-hearted || Like sisters, since they two were the only girls in the family so Hyomin will always brought her only daughter to shop and do other girly things together. Though Hay is daddy's girl, she's more close with her mother. They shared and kept each others secrets very well. Hay sometimes seek advice from her mother too.

Older Brother || Jung Minhyuk || 24 || Heart Surgeon || 
Reserved, understanding, & good listener || Whenever Hay got any problems, the first person to go to is Minhyuk. Yes, Hay depends on Minhyuk a lot. They had been through lots of deep talks back then but now with Minhyuk's work, they barely meet each other except for holidays.

Older Brother || Jung Daehwan || 23 || Dance Cheoreographer || Arrogant, silly, & playful || These two doesn't treat each other like siblings. They have "Tom And Jerry" relationship. Daehwan always and vice versa. They used to dare each other in dance battle which Hay always loses, But though that, Daehwan is very protective of his only sister.


Shin Eunmin || 21 || Clerk || Outspoken, takes small things seriously & competitive || SUPER BEST BUDS. They depend on each other almost all time. Back then, they always sleep over on each other houses since their houses are near. They always sticked together and alwaaaaaaays together. They're super close & of course still kept in contact by SNS. Their meet up point is always in one of the coffee shops and talk about girl things. Then shopping time!!


Hwang Chaerin || 22 || Make-up Artist || Admirable, loyal & blunt
Bae Song Goon || 22 || Trainee in Cyrano || Humble, modest & soft hearted though look tough
Kim Hui Dae || 22 || Trainee in Cyrano || Cocky, erted & prankster
93 liners of Magnolia & Ignited



• Neon colours - somehow she felt attracted to these colours
• Make-up products - what can we do? she's a girl after all
• Patbingso - it tastes heaven
• Seafoods - no comment, very good
• Churros - the best snacks to eat in rest areas/amusement parks
• Horror movies - she doesn't believe in them so automatically it doesn't scare her
• Puppies and kittens - the cutest pets to adopt in the world!!
• Exercises - good for body
• Hanging out - prefers hanging out the best
• Sunset - everytime she gaze at sunsets, it make her feel calm
• BTOB and GOT7 - unique charms
• Musics - enjoy it very much 
• Dancing and rapping - enjoy it very much 
• Anything mint - yummy!!
• Acoustic guitar - enjoy it very much 
• Composing - another way for her to indirectly express her feelings
• Holidays - who wouldn't love holidays?


• Devices - the most difficult thing to understand
• Cheesy lines - it gave her goosebumps
• Long rides - she get bored easily but its an exception if she got someone to talk to
• Heights - inherited this fear from her father
• y ahjusshi - though she's a as well, she really hates when they flirt with her
• Long distance relationships - she'll miss her lover easily
• Spiders - eww... just look at the colour...!!
• Lizards - ewwwwwww~
• Studying - not interested~~
• Maths - probably the most confusing thing ever
• Thick books - can't stand the thickness, she's not a bookworm 
• Any types of milks - ek, it tastes weird!!
• Sasaeng fans - somehow annoys her
• Orange juice with pulps - the pulps bothered her
• Diets - she can't eat foods that she want
• Laundry - tiring + makes her back hurts
• Medicines esp pills - eeeeeeekkkkk, no way!!!
• Injection - no!!!!!!!!


• Attended Dongguk University majoring in Theather and Musics
• Her phone is S4 but she can't handle it (tbh all devices) very well
• She has a kitten named Princess
• Not a picky eater and has high metabolism
• Always get indigestion whenever she skips her meals

• Has a big laugh like SNSD Yoona and Girl's Day Hyeri
• Idolized Yoon Mirae, Lee Hyori & BoA
• A huge fan of BTOB and GOT7 ever since they debuted. She collects all their albums and watched all of their shows. Her ultimate biases are Ilhoon and Mark. She tried sneaking inside Cube Entertainment to see Ilhoon
• Aside from watching horror movies, she also watch reality and variety shows such as Running Man, Roommate & all shows that BTOB and GOT7 appeared on
• Her body is very sensitive when people tickles her
• One of the fit and flexible members; she has a great stamina because of her frequent jogging
• Rarely travels to another foreign countries- only went to Japan
• Wants to go to Singapore or England
• Has bad sense of direction but likes to explore
• Can only cook simple dishes that amateur can
• Has a talent in playing acoustic guitar, composing songs, playing hulahoop (master level already xD) and volleyball
• Was scouted to be a model couple of times but rejected since she wants to be an idol
•  She straightforwardly said that her ideal type is Ilhoon, which was then teased by all nation



• Humming random songs
• Dancing in the shower while singing
• Playing her acoustic guitar
• Composing
• Jogging
• Exercising
• Hanging out
• Talk, talk & talk
• Walking around
• Pranking/bothering the members
• Listening to ballad songs while singing to them before sleeping


• Too talkative even she talks in her dreams
• Swearing in Busan accent when she's VERY mad
• Blowing her bangs when she's irritated
• Lip sync-ing dramatically when she hears her favorite song on air

• Skipping her meals (it's normal for her already)
• Bites her nails when she's nervous & uneasy
• Sneezes when she's full
• Making different kind of expressions when she's bored
• Mouthing others' lines while waiting for hers (during acting or singing)

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LOVE INTEREST: Zodiac member


BIRTHDATE + AGE: Older than Hay

GROUP: Zodiac





HOW YOU MET: It was during trainees days when it was singing class. The instructor asked them to perform a duet on the next day. It is something that trainees should practice before their debut, through that they will be experienced & not afraid in front of other people/fans. The instructor then set up partners and Hay end up with a trainee that she didn't know that is him. It was firstly awkward, but since she's open & talk a lot, the awkward atmosphere were changed to laughter. In the end, they stayed up late because they spent too much time joking around.


INTERACTIONS: Both of them are close since then and was very well known to be seen together. Truthfully, they are crushing on each other but acted like nothing happened. He always tease Hay every time if possible. He even gave have the nickname "Shortie" since she's.. yeah. She hates the nickname but love how they were comfortable with each other. It's not rare to see if they were spending their day together, since the members assumed them as best friends. But other people will mistaken them as a couple though they weren't. They even naturally did skinships, like holding hands, hugging and etc.


RELATIONSHIP: Close friends


BACK-UP: EXO Baekhyun

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LOVE RIVAL: Byun Baekhyun

STAGE NAME: Baekhyun

BIRTHDATE + AGE: May 6th 1992 + 22 years old



PERSONALITY: Baekhyun is just like Hay, talkative and friendly. He talks a lot and never fail to make people laugh. He has his own charm which makes girls swoon over him. He's somewhat has a erted mind too despite being a guy. But just don't mess up with him. He is quite scary when he's mad. A lot of guys admire him because of his outgoing personality. He protects his girl very carefully so when someone dare to hurt the girl he likes, he's not afraid to hurt the someone back. Most of the time, he uses aegyo when things doesn't go the way he planned and the victim will easily give in since Baekhyun is cute~ (><)



HOW YOU MET: They met during Hay was auditioning for SM. Baekhyun was already a trainee that time and was checking her out. It's like love at first sight. Though Hay failed, they still stayed to be friends. He helped her a lot and Hay is very thankful at him.



INTERACTIONS: Baekhyun has a feeling for her though the short time they spent. He doesn't care, but sadly it was just one sided love. When there's some chances, he pulled out some skinships which Hay doesn't really care. She only look at him just like her older brother and best friend, which Baekhyun doesn't really like. When Zodiac and EXO meet, she would naturally stick to Baekhyun.



RELATIONSHIP: Close friends



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RIVAL: (optional)




PERSONALITY: (doesn't have to be y)








WHY ARE YOU RIVALS: (Be real, it's not just because she/he spill a drink on you)





PERSONA: The Passionate Rapper

POSITION: Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer

BACK UP POSITION: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer



SINGING TWIN: Fiestar Yezi


RAPPING TWIN: 4Minute Jiyoon

TALKING TWIN: Girl's Day Hyeri



- Back up dancer for Magnolia & Ignited
- Appeared in one of Ignited's mv


Zodiac Hay and her fellow group member (name here) are dating?! || Some sasaeng fans saw just both of them dating late midnight around Myeongdong with disguises on. They are dating, but the company cleared that it's just a hang out between members

COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS: hi-hi! i hope you like hay so far! ^^







• Her family went to Zodiac's MV making set to support her. She's surprised and hugged them for a long time. She tried not to cry in front of them but when they've gone, she started to tear up. 

• The whole group is tired because of the diet & training that was given by the company so Hay thought of an idea to escape & have fun

• Since Hay doesn't know how to use the phone so the members teach her.. They even make her an Instagram account with the username @hay7jung for her to upload her selcas

•  In Zodiac, Hay's close with everyone especially with this two members. Her love interest and same age girl member. 

•  If Zodiac/half of them are going to Running Man, Jaesuk/Kwangsoo would be the best pair for her

•  Zodiac won the "best rookie of the year" and the company gave them a holiday to Singapore/England for 1 week

•  Before the holiday, they had fun with barbeque party

•  During the holiday, Hay was annoyed on something and went off to somewhere to cool herself down

•  Collaborate with BAP/BTS/GOT7/EXO. She secretly fangirl-ing when she met her biases. She get to know and became friends with them~ (except for Baekhyun since she already know him) That time, she's more closer with Baekhyun than her love interest. He somewhat felt jealous and also tried to be inside their conversations

• Zodiac was invited to Idol Stars Athletics Championships and she participates in running.. She won silver medal for that.

•  Singing/dancing/rap battle!!! >....<

• If Zodiac are going to Weekly Idol, she showed her talents. She also was teased by Dony because she said that Baekhyun is her ideal type. She ended up doing a video message (+ promoting) for Baekhyun. She told Dony that they were already friends, which makes Dony even more

• Baekhyun and Hay met at one of the music shows. One of the members saw this and all day. 

• Hay & her love interest had a date near Han River and they rode the couple bicycle. Since she haven't tried to play bicycle before (but surprisingly she can do it well), she warned him many times not to fall. He playfully make "near-to-fall" action and Hay somehow hugged him. They went back because a lot of fans began to realize that there's both of them

•  Hay befriended with 93 liners during her time in Idol Stars Athletics Championships & at other places, such as Girl's Day Minah, IU, T-ARA Jiyeon, AOA Mina & Hyejeong, GOT7 Mark, EXO D.O & Tao, Sistar Dasom, BTOB Peniel, Shinee Taemin, F(x) Luna, B1A4 Gongchan, TEENTOP L.Joe & Chunji, Vixx Hongbin & Ravi, INFINITE Sungjong, A-Pink Bomi & Eunji & more

•  Whenever there were quizes about education/maths, she'll definitely failed


PASSWORD: Apink & B.A.P Mini Schoolooks



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