I Write Like... (stolen from EXOT12_ChanBaekYeol)

I'm just curious since most of my friends here in AFF did this so I was like, why not? It's worth trying. Maybe I will be just like some of the authors stated below one day, right? So here's the result! I tried with all of my stories, and I got different results for each of it.

>David Foster Wallace

>Raymond Chandler (2 times)

>Jack London

>Stephenie Meyer

>Stephen King

>Margaret Mitchell

>Leo Tolstoy

Okay, I don't know any of them.


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I got Dan Brown XD
I did this last year as extra credit for English, haha. I made a blog about it long ago. Stephanie Meyer mostly came up after multiple times along with J.D. Salinger.
I know most of those writers. DFW is super complex crazy writing. I don't know RC. JL writes really descriptive stuff. Stephenie Meyer is the one who wrote the Twilight series I think? Stephen King is like the most famous horror writer. MM is the author of Gone with the Wind. And Tolstoy is from a century ago. That's a weird mix of writers you got there! I have no idea how anyone can be considered similar to all of these styles hahaha.
Well... Stephenie Meyer wrote Twilight.
Stephen King wrote a lot of horror/suspense books, many of them got turned into movies (Carrie, Christine, The Shining, it, etc.)
Leo Tolstoy was a russian writer who wrote mostly about realistic fiction, probably one of the most known figure of russian literature and perhaps of all literature. He wrote War and Peace and Anna Karenina.
Margaret Mitchell wrote Gone with the Wind and won a Pullitzer prize for it.