Who Am I Similar to from BTS

You like red [x]
You love to draw [ ]
You like sunny weather with a breeze [ ]
You’re the youngest among your friends [ ]
You like dancing [ ]
You can skateboard [ ]
You take a long time in the bathroom [x]
Total: [2]
You can cook [x]
You like pink [ ]
You like puppies [x]
You can act [ ]
You like the number 4 [ ]
You can speak Mandarin [ ]
You are quiet [x]
Total: [3]
You like the colour light blue [x]
You like both sunny weather and cold [x]
You’re talkative [x]
You think you’re fat [x]
You’re insecure about your cheeks [x]
You’re cute [ ]
You like being in front of a camera [ ]
Total: [5]
You can cook [x]
You like green [ ]
You like dogs/puppies [x]
Your favourite season is spring [ ]
You are a mother figure [x]
You like the number 7 [ ]
You are a hopeful person [ ]
Total: [3]
You love photography [ ]
You like to joke [ ]
You like the colour white [ ]
You have a sweet smile [x]
You like to write song lyrics [ ]
You like hip-hop [x]
You like Welsh corgis [ ]
Total: [2]
Rap Monster
You like browsing the web [x]
You like clear weather [ ]
You support gay/lesbian rights [...] (I really have no comment on this)
You are good at speaking English [x]
You write and compose songs [ ]
You wear glasses a lot [ ]
You write lyrics in your school textbooks [x]
Total: [3-ish]
You like Autumn/fall [x]
You like bright weather [x]
You like photography [ ]
You love bubbles [x]
You can play the saxophone [ ]
You talk in your sleep [ ]
You think of weird things that others don’t [x]
Total: [4]
OH! Jimin is my twin! I think we like a Lot of things, Ha we are both short too!
(I give total credit except for my answers to the creator of this quiz thingy!)


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