♚ royalties vitamin soohyun — queens

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Lee Soo Hyun 


 birth name : lee soo hyun
 nicknames : soohyunie or hyunie - her brother calls her that since she was young and after some while hearing him say that over and over again, Soohyun's parents and friends started calling her that sometimes
smilee - combination of smile + lee her fans calls her that because she's always smiling when she's on the cameras or fan signs
isoone - the members calls her that because on breaks times she's always seen with her iphone playing some game but it's always a different one
 age : 19
 birthday : 11241995
 ethnicity : korean
 birthplace & hometown : seoul, south korea & seoul, south korea
 blood type : ab
 languages : korean (fluent)



 faceclaim : park su eun
 back-up : park gi rim
 height :
168 cm
 weight : 49 kg
 style in normal days, she just wear anything comfortable and makes her move around easily. when there's heat, she usually wears t-shirts or shirts, shorts or skirts and vans or all stars converse sometimes also with a jacket without sleeves, when is cold she always wears a jacket with hood, if it's going to rain, a sweat, jeans and boots or sneakers, sometimes she wears scarfs sometimes not. soohyun usually wears bright colors when is summer or spring and dark colors when is winter or autumn. when she's has some important day, she wears short or long dresses with high heels sandals. when she's praticing she always wear a sweat or jacket with a hood, shorts and sneakers.
 extra : has a birth mark a little bit below her chest on the right side, it looks like a half moon

 personality :  
lively, easy-going, energetic, positive, funny
-  irresponsible, liar, show-off, lazy, forgetful

soohyun is always very energetic and cheerful. likes to enjoy herself and is happy all the time, since the early day until the late night. it's really unusual to she see her sad or crying. if crying she maybe from happiness. the only thing that can make her sad it's divorce which a really sensitive subject to her. soohyun is a very lively girl. she's very active and thinks that her life must be lived at the fullest and to her the fullest is all the happy and funny things it happened or will happen in her life, so soohyun usually just thinks about those moments that makes her laugh. people around her tend always to have a smile placed on their faces because of soohyun's jokes and pranks. a very optimistic girl, expects all the best of the best in every situation. soohyun tend to be very positive about everything, when everyone is thinking about the worst she manage to find the positive thing about it. soohyun is also an easy-going girl and doesn't really care much about things and one of them are what people think about her, she just ignores them or just go along with them laughing at anything they say, but there are times when she's really laughing because she finds herself funny. she may be a little bit lazy about somethings, it's rare to see her working, but if she's really determinated to do something she makes up her mind and will accomplish that no matter how hard it is.

soohyun likes to watch people that's why she is good at reading people specially the ones that she's closest to. she knows them really well. she knows what they like to do, things they like, etc. soohyun is a girl that gets distracted easily. when she's doing something or going somewhere if she gets distracted by someone or something she forgets what she was doing and ends up not doing it. when this happens she always has the felling that she forgot about something but doesn't know what it is. no one can ask her to do something because of her distration problem but most of the time is because she doesn't want to do it, since she's lazy, and pretend that she didn't hear it or that she forgot as an excuse. since she passed many times with her step-father she learned some bad things with him. like her step-father she has the habit of lying. there's no way she can keep a promise or see if she's saying the truth. it's better not believe in everything she says or else it will make you very disappointed. but lying sometimes helps her get out of scary situations or get out from troubles.

soohyun is also full of herself, specially if someone praises her, she feels like she the best in the world and starts showing off all her good and bad things that she thinks that are good. but it doesn't mean that she will hurt someone. another flaw soohyun has is being an irresponsible person. she forgets easily about assignments and sometimes doesn't care about the consequences of her actions. being a very lively girl, might sound that she's very childish, but not, she can also be serious when it's needed. if there's something wrong and no one can be poisoned by her happy side, instead of trying to find the best way about it, she tries her best to help and solve the matter. if she's has her showing off mode on, soohyun usually turns it off. soohyun's also very competitive, specially in sports, since she thinks that she's good at it or in things that she's good at. being a competetive girl she doesn't like to lose, if she loses she stays about a few seconds depressed and thinking about the matter then tries to improve but gives up after a few minutes.


soohyun had always been in korea since when she was born until now. she's an only child and her parents are divorced. since her father is a businessman he wouldn't go home many times because he had to stay at work until late or suddendly he had to go overseas. soohyun's mom didn't liked because that always made soohyun cry and was already making her mad because he cared more about his work than her or his daughter so she decided to divorce him. she moved not really far from their first house and after about 2 years there met a chinese man and married him a year after. soohyun didn't like it at first but accepted it because her mom was happy. her biologic father would visit soohyun more often then when he and soohyun's mom were together after he understand the reason why her mom decided to divorce then he made a decision that he would at least go to celebrate christmas and her daughter's birthday. soohyun's stepfather is a kind man. he influenced soohyun to start liking sports and other things while her mom influenced on her love about music. soohyun started to learned piano when she had 7 when her mom had time to teach her. since her mom married her stepfather she somehow seemed more busy maybe because she had to do more chores?

at school, she wasn't the worst student of them all but managed not to fail in any subject or else her mother would kill her. when it's school soohyun didn't like to give much effort like she give to other things her favorite subjects. soohyun had around 12 years when she got interested in singing. she begged her mom to let her join in some vocal classes in seoul. her mom accepted and soohyun learned singing about 5 years while at the same time learned how to play piano and guitar and sing with her mom. soohyun made the decision that she wanted to be an idol after she started watching them performancing on stage, they were like shining stars and she wanted to shine like them and decided that that was her dream. her parents supported her because they already knew since when soohyun was young that she would like to do that. when she started to be a trainee she stopped her vocal classes, something that she didn't want it.


amusement parks
any kind of cakes (strawberry one are her favorites)
sports (she's good at volleyball)
jajjangmyon, steak and fried chicken
anime (Fairy Tail and Naruto)
sweats with hoods
video games


hot weathers
movies with zombies
when someone ruffles her hair


watching dramas and variety shows


laughing while claping at the same time
drinking water right after she wakes up
puffing her cheeks very often specially when she bored
checking up her social networks accounts everyday
hitting on the object that it's close to her when she loses on games (like video games or bets)


big storms


favorite number is 7
her favorite drink is water
she's good at maths and p.e.
Soohyun is a BANA, a B1A4 fan
her english can be considered bad
favorite colors are blue, green and black
she can do the cup dance of Anna Kendrick
she can ride a skateboard and do skate tricks
it's hard to wake her up, must call her 5-7 times
can do the rubik cube in less than 1 minute and 30 seconds
has a crazy obession with sweats with hoods and snapbacks
has always a hood or a snapback on her head when praticing
she was the lead girl in B1A4's 'Tried To Walk' and SHINee's 'Why So Serious?'
she watches a lot of anime wich make her have a good at japanese pronunciation
she really likes jajjangmyon, steak and fried chicken she says that she could eat everyday that doesn't get sick of it eat just that in her whole life
after knowing that she would be the lead girl in B1A4s MV she started praticing her acting skills, she started to like acting and wants to try it someday in a drama (after debut)
Soohyun has always a backpack with her so she can take her important things with her, she usually have snacks and drinks, what she always has with her is her phone and tablet, a book and a pen

father // lee woon ha // 50 // businessman // serious, mature, harworking // how you get along with each other: soohyun isn't as close to her biologic dad as her mom, but they still talk and joke around with each other, since soohyun's mom divorced him, her dad wants to know more about her daughter and that's the same with soohyun. mother // lee min hee // 46 // music teacher // caring, kind, understanding // how you get along with each other: her mom is really close to soohyun. soohyun trust her and tells her everything in her life and she goes always to her mom for advices because to soohyun her mom is the best-advicer from the universe. she influenced and supported soohyun so much that soohyun doesn't know how to thank her. although her mom isn't as funny as her step-father she more sensitive and quite and that makes them have those mother-daughter sweet moments that soohyun likes. step-father // lee jin sang // 47 // p.e. teacher || how you get along with each other: soohyun didn't get well with him at first, but as the time passed they get closer. she doesn't call him 'dad' because it's still weird to her but jinsang doesn't mind because he knows that it's difficult to her. soohyun calls him 'ajusshi'. they usually are playing sports together while soohyun's mom watch them. soohyun likes to compete with her step-father since he's also good at sports. when they are not playing they usually joke around and play soft pranks on soohyun's mom or else she gets angry.



 best friend 
jung han na // 19 // college student // mature, hard-working, funny // how you met: they met when they were in elementary school. at first they didn't talk to each other they just started talking when they went to high school because they were in the same class. after that they were always together. // how you get along with each other: usually is just soohyun talking and hanna listening. there are times when she talks but it's to correct soohyun or when it's asked her opinion. if one of them are down they are always there for each other. before soohyun being a trainee, they looked like sisters because they never left each other's side. 

choi jin ri (sulli) // 20 // idol (f(x))
jung soo jung (krystal) // 20 // idol (f(x))
kim moon soo // 20 // woollim trainee
nam woo hyun // 23 // idol (infinite)
kim ki bum (key) // 23 // idol (shinee)
oh min jung // 19 // college student
kim soo hyuk // 19 // college student

 ability rival : --

 love rival : b1a4 // gong chan shik // 21 // playful, dorky, cute // since soohyun is a b1a4's fan she usually fangirls about them and she also starred in their mv which made her close to them specially gongchan. that will make l jeaulous. gongchan also started to like her a little bit more than just a friend while soohyun will be clueless about it since she thinks that he's just treating her like a friend or a fan.


 stage name  soohyun
 persona : queen's vitamin
 position :
main vocalist
 back up : lead vocalist
 fanclub name : lucky7
 fanclub colour:  #ccffcc 

 sub group : queens

 singing twin : iu
 dancing twin : f(x)'s krystal
 rapping twin : -- 

 trainee year  : 2 years
 label : --

 trainee life : like any other trainee her trainee life wasn't easy either. she had to wake up and go to school then after school she had to pratice. on the weekends she passed almost all day inside the pratice room. at morning, she had to run 2km and do sit-ups and push-ups, after that she goes to the company and do her lessons about half day then pratice what she learned the rest of the day. it was even harder when she worked this hard but didn't know when was going to debut or if she was already good enough. all the competion between he trainees weren't helping too. although it was hard, soohyun always tried her best since she really wanted to be an idol, it was her dream, so she tried to make it a little bit easier while thinking about things that didn't make sense and made her laugh.

 love interest kim myung soo (l)
 age  22

myungsoo wants to show that type of a cold, serious and mature man because of his image in infinite although he was like this before but not as much, specially when he's l, but there are times when he's not careful and suddendly turns to myungsoo like when he's angry, sad or when doing aegyo to get something he wants (but this isn't often, it's really rare to see him doing aegyo). if he turns to myungsoo, he usually is a funny and a little outgoing and 4D mind guy. very protective when it comes to his own things, if someone takes them aways from him he becomes very annoyed and starts yelling at everyone and everything. he's caring when it comes to his close ones showing his older brother side but that doesn't mean that he's not like that when he's l but to him seems more easier showing this side when he's myungsoo. yet, l has always a little of myungsoo inside just doesn't want to show it because he thinks that he must be a cool guy. conclusion, he's L with a little of myungsoo or full myungsoo that's why there's this thing that everyone calls it 'l cosplay' although now he's starting to show more his real personality when he is in interviews. both of l and myungsoo (that means that it's kim myungsoo) are really good friends. always there when it's needed, in sad or happy moments and helping them where they can.

 how you met 

after soohyun' mom moved, she met myungsoo's mom because they were neighbors and college friends. since soohyun was still a bit uncomfortable since she wouldn't have a dad right after the divorce day. so, soohyun didn't want to get out of the house. she stayed about half year in the house, just going out sometimes to breath some air. just after soohyun recovered, her mom wanted to introduce her to the neighbors since their neighbors didn't kow how she looked like just some of them. myungsoo's mom was the last one she met and there was when she met myungsoo and his little brother, moonsoo. they become friends immediatly and after that day they always hang out together often.


soohyun's mom and myungsoo's are close friends and are neighboors, it made them spend time with each other which made them really close. they treat each other like brother and sister. they a lot about each other, almost everything. since soohyun liked to have a sister or a brother because she's an only child, myungsoo and his brother became the brothers that she never had. when they have time they usually hang out together and play around or go eat something. soohyun doesn't like skinship but with myungsoo she doesn't mind since she knows him since she was young. soohyun likes more when myungsoo is myungsoo because, to soohyun, l is too difficult to understand since he was always that expressionless face that can mean anything but fortunaly with her l is always myungsoo, although she stills finds l charming. myungsoo always teases soohyun because of her obession for hoods and snapbacks and that annoys soohyun since he also says that she doesn't have fashion sense. sometimes both of them are afraid that they meet with their friends since they have been friends for a long time, they could them embarassing situations that happened when they were young so both of them always keep an eye on each other if their friends asks how were they when they were young. soohyun when it's around myungsoo she acts like a little kid so myungsoo can give her attention. myungsoo doesn't like when soohyun is lying but he she's lying and when she's not, he just thinks that she shouldn't do it.

 backup l.joe (teen top)

 scandal title 
 with whom? 
 the reason of the scandal 


 how you resolve this 


 comments : english isn't my first language so i hope you'll understand everything. if not just ask me! ^^ i hope you like my character~ hwaiting~~ ^^

 suggestions : n/a

 scene request :
doing a behind the scenes of their mv  in order to see what they do like games and seeing how their members do their individual shots

 password : 25th may





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