Expressing my feeling!

WARNING: i believe that something in this blog post will make you hate me and think i'm a ! So think carefully before continue reading this!










WTH are wrong with you guys? I mean SOME people who request poster @A+Changjo Shop. I swear they're kind of blind or stupid so they can understand and follow the rules. They show me many silly mistakes in the request form and blah blah. Geez!

Rule said... SUBSCRIBE when you request poster(s)...but why they do not do that? They think i'm that easy so skipping it is possible for me? About the THEME/MOOD and also the CHARACTERS, MAX 5 in a poster but i was like 'OH ' while reading their requests. i'm also freaking tired of asking nicely 'sorry for the bother. but can you tell me who exactly do you wanna put in the poster?' or 'what mood/theme do you want for the poster?'.

I think i don't get angry at those stuffs, but a bit disappointed cuz my sister and I treat them really nice. We try to help them have a great poster for their story. But what can they do for us? NOTHING right? we just need them to read the rules and follow then. that's all! Our 7 rules don't have many words so PLEASE read them once!!!!!!! that never ever harms or kills anyone!

Whatever, i don't care. it's not a big problem from now on because i just realise one thing! ONE UNEXPECTED THING happens! there's a , a real  is trying to piss me off.

She requested a poster at my shop. and my sister made one for her. The poster is really nice!!!!!!!!!! (Truly i love it more than some of others a lot). But if she feels not liking it, she can tell me or my sister to fix or edit it (though we don't feel liking it too because that's their fault, they did not describe as specific as they wanted for their poster in the request form so my sister makes it in her own way).

Awfully she said that she really love it. but you guys know what she did? she used another poster of someone else instead! :(

i don't know what to say but i swear the current poster which is on the foreword of her story now, is just... well.. can't be compared because that poster and our poster are staying different levels. One is too high and one is too low!

i don't know why that type of people still exist on this world. but that's so awful and terrible! She has everything which makes her look like a human, except for her stupid BRAIN! :(

I hope i won't see anyone like her in my life once again because it's really bad!

Anyway should i forgive that ? or send her a private msg to ask and tell her what she did was wrong? cuz she had to use the poster that we made for her at least in 1 month. but one month hasn't ended yet. :(

Phew! Finally i feel better now! :D


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TheHotDog #1
unniee who is this nonssensee personn<br />
dont worryy <br />
unniee saranghaee<333<br />
paigehk #2
take it easy. kids still need to grow up
=_= you are the owner, you can decide which posters you would make. i mean, come on... if they ask you for their poster, tell them that they didn't follow your simple rules.<br />
in the shops i visited, they blacklist those users who don't use their posters xDD
yeminhae #4
wew!<br />
who's that... <br />
that's really exasperating
kminjii #5
ahh... i know what do you meant by that !<br />
i really love thaat poster you made, bus she used others and<br />
if i think, yours is nicer then what she used now<br />
don't think about that kind of person unnie<br />
your poster is daebak!
I've been in same situation too :S Requester requested a poster from me on my site Vanilla Sky and when it was done she said that she loved it too...but ended up using someone else's poster :S But be strong! All requesters aren't like that :) You should just blacklist her and tell what she did wrong. ^^
OMG, that is serious a .<br />
I mean, it's their fault for not explaining things well and here they are, demanding for more?!<br />
Ignore this kind of person, although I do think that there's a need to at least give her a warning. <br />
Always love your posters~! :D