40 Secrets About Myself~ Stolen From Tons Of Ppl ;)

 40 Secrets About Yourself

Be HONEST no matter what.


1. What is your natural hair colour?

Dark brown...almost black


2. Where was your profile picture taken?

From a show Zico was on~ Effing love him~


3. What's your middle name?


Don't have one~


5. Honestly, does your crush like you back?


I wish ._. Aha~ He's thousands of miles away


6. What is your current mood?

Tired ._. And nervous to find out what role I got in my school play tomorrow ^^


7.What color underwear are you wearing?


Blue. It's actually the same blue as my pants...well that's awkward...


8.What makes you happy?

K-Pop *this lmfao. Lots of things make me happy


9. What’s The Last Thing You Bought?

A Christmas present for my friend Kate. If you want specifics, an owl necklace and little hair bows


10. If you could go back in time, and change something about yourself what would it be?

I wouldn't because if I changed anything, I wouldn't be "Me", now would I?


11. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what would it be?

A penguin. Just because I can


12. Ever had a near death experience?


Yes, almost 7 years ago I was riding a quad and it got stuck at high speed and I flipped it. You know how they say when you're about to die everything slows down and your life flashes before your eyes? I didn't know a ten year old could experience that.


13. Something you do a lot?


Listen to kpop~ draw, write, dance (a LOT), try to sing and rap...lots of artsy stuff. Oh, and homework ._.


14. What's the name of the song stuck in your head right now?

Block B's Freeze~ It's always there~


15. Since when did you start liking your crush? Be Honest.

As in Zico? I can't pinpoint the exact date, but since June...? Yes, most definitely June


16. Name someone with the same birthday as you?

My aunt~ My friend's mom. Kan Mi Yeon. Victoria. Zinger. P.O. XD ♥


17. When was the last time you cried?

Yesterday~ 3 times. First was because my mom bought my divorcing aunt and uncle separate Christmas cards. Silly, right? Then I found out that my estranged grandfather (please refer back to my previous blogs) is trying to convince my brother and I to spend Christmas with him because he's buying us presents. Uhm, no. You don't do that to your grandkids. We want repentment, not presents, . And the 3rd time...was because my eyes were just watering XD


18. Have you ever sang in front of a large audience?

Yes ._. And I'm gonna end up doing it again in the spring...possibly 4 times.


19. If you could have one super power what would it be?

I'm always bad with picking super powers...Uhm, how about the ability to heal others? Like help them out in any means possible :3


20. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite ?
 I'm not really sure...it usually has something to do with their looks, but I happen to love the way guys smile. And laugh! If your laugh is contagious, that's a big plus ;)


21. What do you usually order from Starbucks

A vanilla bean frappucino :D


22. What’s your biggest secret?

Uhm, I have a few...? But I guess that DG is obviously a stage persona. I'm really a kid who just likes to make herself feel better >.<


23. What's your favorite color?
 Red! Like a nice, vibrant red :3


24. When was the last time you lied?

I don't remember...I try not to.


25. Do you still watch kiddy movies or TV shows?

If they're on. I don't necessarily put them on myself


27. What are you eating or drinking at the moment?

Nothing ._.


28. Do you speak any other language?

Spanish and Korean. And very fragmented Italian, Japanese, and German. Oh, and Hebrew. My dad's Jewish, so I get to read Hanukkah prayers and stuff :3


29. What's your favorite smell?

I don't have one...I just love *most* smells


30. If you could describe life in one word what would it be?




31. When was the last time you gave/received a hug?

I hugged my Mommy yesterday :3


32. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?



33. What are you thinking about right now ?

How the hell am I gonna pass my vocab quiz second period...


34. What should you be doing ?


Eating ._.


35. What was the last thing that made you upset?

The stuff I talked about a few questions up.


37. Do you like working in the yard?

Not at all, Bro


38. If you could have any last name in the world, what would you want?

Woo...? Derp? It sounds good XD But I'm not gonna assume anything, so any last name will go. Woo would be ideal though :3


39. Name 5 things in your closet.

Jeans, sweatpants, sweatshirts, shoes, purses


40. Do you act different around your crush?

Eh, I don't know. I know I act all stupid when I think about him though XD


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I wanna do this!!! XD
You wouldn't act differen't around Zico, Unni~ You told me yourself ;)
Iheartlife #3
AW! :D
Kind-Hearted_Devil #4
You are really honest xD
Especially, for me, number 7 and 11 are the most hilarious ones :DDD
And number 12 is just so...I can't believe even a 10-year-old could experience that..just wow
aww...when my aunt an uncle split, i cried so much...he wasn't even my uncle, they had just been living together for like 15 of my 16 years of life (at the time...im about to be 20 soon). My parents all say he was the best companion she's had (she's been married 5 times) :c
You know...even though I love Zico too, I find myself rooting for you more than I do myself lol^^
this seems like it'd be fun to do...i might do one of these tomorrow ^^ (its 5am and I'm about to pass out)
Hanniex #6
lololol number 29 made me laugh! and unnie i'm sure you'll get the part you want! XD