Confused as hell..

I am so confused of what is the real relationship of Yulsic.

I feel like i'm going to explode of so much thinking.
There are soooo many evidences that they might be real as time goes by. 
A part of me believe they're just really friends but a part of me believes they are really a thing. 
But eventually, I know the truth will come out...
One day..
I will wait, and hope...
But I bet, whether they'll reveal it few years from now, or 1428026 years later...
That they are real. They are a couple. 
And I'll stick to that belief, I promise.
what do u think guyyyss?


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ynylsc30518 #1
Yeah. I'm a bit confuse too. Maybe they are real. We just have to continue supporting them even if they are real or not. Haha! :D but the way they look at each other seems a little bit fishy. XD
tjandra_jesslyn #2
I'm confuse too actually. But well, have faith in them :)
lets just think about it this way: that NY trip. Why dandyu and yul are so persistent on making all of us believe that yul's in korea? I dont know if it's only me or not, but they way they try to cover it smells "fishy" to me.
So what if both yulsic are in NY together? Friends do go on vacation together. If there's nothing goin on between em why bother to cover it?lol

But still, this is a groundless opinion cause it got no proof or facts related to it. Just wanna share my thoughts. Peace:)
Well they really are confusing and you'll just go crazy if you keep thinking if they really are together or not.I am just like you before,but I realized that no matter how badly I want them to be together.It might not happen.I just enjoy and love every moments they have together.As long as Yul is happy,I'm happy. ^_^

OTHERS are waiting for yulsic selca... well i don't think they will post it or something ... come to think of it, posting yulsic selca may lead to you know, maybe bad rumors about them.

we can always spot lots of yulti and other couple's selca ... but yulsic? duhhh i mean maybe they're really hiding something from us. its pretty obvious really ...(assuming? lols)

the way yul and sica looked at each other...
the way sica looked away when yul hug fany...
the way yul looked at sica, the time where she was talking to minho and the other guys.
the way sica kissed yuri's elbow (i don't think she was smelling it or something )
the way yul glanced at sica ... (maybe checking if sica was jealous)
here >> @1:02

part of're only close frenz..but another part of me..say that they're couple..lately we can see they wearing couple shirts..couple bags..matching style..and for sure thats not about selca??we never see yulsic selca..bcoz i can feel they're real... :) so..y must they show off..
I hope that they are real but I'm also confused. But one thing is for sure, Yuri is lesbian, you never can be sure of that but she just gives me this lesbian vibe that I think its true, also Yuri had a scandal with two actress I don't know if you heard because SM made it almost disappear, that's a little bit suspicious, there is a say in spanish that says: "Cuando el rio suena agua lleva." The literal translation would be: when the river sounds it has water. It means more or less that maybe rumors are not true but when they come out its for something, that maybe they are not completely true but they have a little bit of true in them, you know what I mean? I don't know if I explained myself well haha^^
I srsly believe that there is much more than what we see. :)))

Maybe they are real :)))

I'll stay loyal to the royal
I'm just hoping that they are real. So that my heart won't break apart again. I'm not ready to have a very great heartache again. Enough of Tiffany. *sorry. I got drag by my emotion* -__- Kekeke.
Too much thinking is not so healthy lol