♥ Lisp Talk ♥

Lithp talk!!!

Let'th have a lithp converthation!

Through the commentth!

We will have tho much fun!

Thuper duper mega uber fun!

I like robotth!

and altho Thehun of Exo!

Cauthe he hath lithp!

Lithp talk!


Luv ya!

Tho happy!



-Author-nim/ Mth. Lu/ Alliah.


P.S. I like lithp!!!!

P.P.S. Altho Bananath!!!

P.P.P.S. I love my life Internet!!!


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oh goodneth I'll have trouble with thaying the number thickth again xD
Lithp? Thehun? I think they have thimilaritieth. Though, I altho love Thehun thooooo much.