So tired.

This gif pretty much shows me for the past few days. I've been returned to my sleep therapy. I want to keep on writting but my eyes are just so tired. I'm not even allowed to sleep during the day. Like a 5 minute cat nap is already a BIG no-no. I'm soooo tired. My eyes are heavy, and my brain hurts. They punch me whenever I accidentally fall asleep. HAAAAAALP. (TT__TT) I badly want to sleep already, and I want to finish writing O:LOTB. :((

Lemme just share this gif... I think Baekhyun thought that Chanyeol was gonna hug him judging by the way his hands moved forward slightly before setting them down. The way he looks up as if he's not sure what the other is going to do is another indicator. LELZ. D'AAAAAW It's okay Baek. You will get lots of loving from him at night. :)



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The first gif is so cute as hell. But thr second gif is ofcourse cuter hah! But I hope you have enough rest though.